World Religions Timeline

By HawkE
  • 7976 BCE

    The origination of Shamanism

    The origination of Shamanism
    Shamanism is estimated to have started or has been originated roughly 10,000 years ago. Although there is no exact date this is the rough estimate recognized by many.
  • 5000 BCE

    Foundation of Hinduism

    Foundation of Hinduism
    Even though there is no precise date for when Hinduism was founded, it is roughly estimated that it was established around 5000 years ago. This makes Hinduism the oldest religion that exists.
  • 2200 BCE

    Hinduism: The Vedic Period

    Hinduism: The Vedic Period
    This period was an essential time in the historic building of Hinduism. It's known for being a time during which a lot of essential Hindu scriptures were created.
  • 2000 BCE

    Origination of Judiasm

    Origination of Judiasm
    Judaism, with roots dating back nearly 4,000 years, stands as one of the world’s oldest religions and is regarded as the foundational Abrahamic faith alongside Islam and Christianity. As a monotheistic religion, Judaism adheres to the belief in a single God who revealed Himself through ancient prophets such as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Solomon, and others.
  • 1500 BCE

    Hinduism: The Vedic Period

    Hinduism: The Vedic Period
    Around 1500 B.C., the Indo-Aryan people migrated to the Indus Valley, and their language and culture blended with that of the indigenous people living in the region.
  • 1300 BCE

    Chrstianity: Creation of the Ten Commandments

    Chrstianity: Creation of the Ten Commandments
    The Ten Commandments were given to Moses on Mount Sinai about the 13th century BCE. They were written on two stone tablets and are a list of important rules found in the Bible.
  • 1000 BCE

    Creation of The Vedas

    Creation of The Vedas
    The Vedas are very sacred texts in Hinduism that translate to knowledge. They talk about Gods, creation, and the universe.
  • 957 BCE

    Judaism: Building of The First Temple in Jerusalem

    Judaism: Building of The First Temple in Jerusalem
    The building of the First Temple in Jerusalem took place around the 10th century BCE, under the reign of King Solomon. This temple was a grand structure and became the central place of worship for the Jewish people.
  • 600 BCE

    Foundation of Buddhism

    Foundation of Buddhism
    Siddhartha Gautama founded Buddhism in the 6th century BCE. He is also known as the Buddha. Buddhism teaches his findings as he "woke up" and understood the fullness of nature.
  • 528 BCE

    Enlightenment of the Buddha

    Enlightenment of the Buddha
    Enlightenment of the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya, India. This event marks the beginning of his teaching career and the founding of Buddhism.
  • 500 BCE

    Creation of the Buddhist Sutras

    Creation of the Buddhist Sutras
    The sutras are very important texts in Buddhism. They were composed around 1500-500 BCE. They are known as being the written form of the Buddhas teachings.
  • 300 BCE

    The Mauryan Empire

    The Mauryan Empire
    When the Mauryan Empire was established it played a crucial role in the spreading and adaption of Judaism. This is because the Emperor at the time believed in Buddhism which made people want to convert to Buddhism as well.
  • 4 BCE

    Birth of Jesus Christ

    Birth of Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ was born in 4 BCE. His birth is a critical event in the Christian faith as he would go on to teach many lessons and save us from sin.
  • 30

    The Pentecost

    The Pentecost
    Pentecost is a special event in Christian history when the Holy Spirit came down upon Jesus' followers. It happened about fifty days after Jesus went back to heaven. This event is important because it marked the beginning of the Christian Church. The Holy Spirit gave the disciples power and courage to spread Jesus' teachings everywhere, starting in Jerusalem and then across the world.
  • 66

    Jews revolt the Roman Empire

    Jews revolt the Roman Empire
    In 66 CE, the Jews started a rebellion against the Roman Empire. The Romans responded by destroying Jerusalem and the Temple. After more fighting, the Romans banned the Jews from going back to Jerusalem and made all Jewish worship illegal.
  • 570

    Birth of Muhammad ibn Abd Allah

    Birth of Muhammad ibn Abd Allah
    Muhammad ibn Abd Allah was born in the year 570. Muslims believe that God chose Muhammad to be the last prophet to deliver His message to humanity. Muhammad's birth started his mission as a prophet, and it led to the Quran being revealed to him.
  • 610

    Origination of Islam

    Origination of Islam
    Islam began in the year 610 when the prophet Muhammad, at age 40, received his first message from God. Muhammad and his followers then spread Islam's teachings across the Arabian Peninsula.
  • 620

    The Revelation of the Quran

    The Revelation of the Quran
    Muhammad started receiving messages from Allah through the angel Gabriel, which were eventually gathered into the Quran, Islam's sacred text.
  • 622

    Islam: Muhammad and his Followers Travel to Medina

    Islam: Muhammad and his Followers Travel to Medina
    In 622, Muhammad and his followers moved to Yathrib (later known as Medina). This pivotal event, known as the Hijra, signifies the start of the Islamic calendar.
  • 632

    Islam: Muhammad's Death

    Islam: Muhammad's Death
    After eight years of battling the Meccan tribes, Muhammad's followers, now numbering ten thousand, captured Mecca. In 632, on his return to Medina from the 'Farewell Pilgrimage,' Muhammad fell ill and passed away. By the time of his death, most of Arabia had embraced Islam.
  • 1200

    Christianity: The Crusades

    Christianity: The Crusades
    The Crusades were a series of wars fought between Christian knights from Europe and Muslim armies in the Middle East. They happened during the Middle Ages, from the 11th to the 13th centuries. The Crusaders wanted to regain control of Jerusalem and other holy sites in the Holy Land that were under Muslim rule. They believed it was their religious duty to fight for their faith and protect Christianity.
  • 1400

    Christianity: The age of exploration

    Christianity: The age of exploration
    During the Age of Exploration, many Christian groups like the Franciscans, Dominicans, and Jesuits sent missionaries with explorers. These missionaries felt it was their duty to spread Christianity to new lands. They faced tough challenges in unfamiliar places, like different languages and cultures. Despite these difficulties, they built churches and missions, leaving a lasting Christian presence in these newly discovered areas.
  • 1500

    Origin of Sikhism

    Origin of Sikhism
    Sikhism is the youngest major religion that exists today. Despite this, it has an interesting history, containing elements of Hinduism and Islam.
  • Creation of the Adi Granth

    Creation of the Adi Granth
    Guru Arjan Dev Ji compiled the Adi Granth, which includes hymns and writings of Sikh Gurus as well as saints and poets from different religious backgrounds. This served the spiritual teachings and philosophy of Sikhism into a single authoritative scripture.
  • Iroquois Confederacy Established

    Iroquois Confederacy Established
    Near the end of the 16th century, the 6 Indian nations formed a confederacy what we call today the Iroquois Confederacy. The nations that make us this confederacy are Mohawk, Tuscarora, Onondaga, Cayuga, Oneida, and Seneca.
  • Enlightenment and Jewish Release

    Enlightenment and Jewish Release
    Jews in Europe began to seek equal rights and integration into society during the Enlightenment, leading to various movements for Jewish releasement
  • Birth of Mahatma Gandhi

    Birth of Mahatma Gandhi
    The birth of Mahatma Gandhi was a crucial event in Hindu history. This is because Mahatma Gandhi committed a lot of amazing acts such as changing the caste system for the good and standing up for what is right without violence.
  • Residential schools

    Residential schools
    These government-funded institutions aimed to assimilate Indigenous children, often erasing their traditional spiritual practices and imposing Christianity.
  • Native American Church Became Formally Established

    Native American Church Became Formally Established
    Although the Native American Church existed for at least 10,000 years, its formality was not established until the year of 1918.
  • Last residential School Cosed

    Last residential School Cosed
    The last residential school was closed in Saskatchewan in 1996. This was followed up by an apology in 2008 from the prime minister.