
World history- Zimbabwe

  • 200

    B.C. The lands first settlers, the khoisan

  • Period: Nov 5, 700 to

    Arabian and Persians trade with ivory, rhino horn, gold, shells and slaves

  • Period: Sep 13, 1000 to Sep 13, 1100

    Shona people began their rule and built a city called Zimbabwe

  • Sep 15, 1438

    Karanga branch of the Shona established the Mwanamutapa Empire

  • Aug 19, 1563

    Rowzi branch rebelled and formed the Changamire EmpireChristianity was introduced by the Portuguese explorers

  • Nguni people from the south defeated the empire. European slave traders establish coastal ports for the increasing traffic in slaves destined for the Americas

  • The first british explorers arrived in Rhodesia or soon to be Zimbabwe

  • Lobengula, the ruler, signed an agreement that granted mineral rights to the British South African Company

  • The British South African Company occupied the region and called the territory Rhodesia

  • Great Britain recognized southern and northern Rhodesia as separate territories

  • Southern Rhodesia became a self-governing British Colony

  • Great Britain set up the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, which included the territories of Southern and Northern Rhodesia

  • The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland was dissolved

  • The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland was dissolvedNorthern Rhodesia became ZambiaSouthern Rhodesia became known as Rhodesia

  • Prime Minister, Ian Smith, declared Rhodesia independent. Great Britain declared this action illegal and banned trade with Rhodesia

  • The United Nations imposed sanctions on Rhodesia

  • A new constitution was introduced to prevent black Africans from ever gaining control of the government

  • Rhodesia declares itself a republic

  • Period: to

    Civil War between government troops and black guerrillas

  • Period: to

    Prime Minister Smith began to make plans to establish a new government with a majority of black leaders

  • Election resulted in a majority of black leaders

  • Abel T. Muzorewa became the first black Prime Minister

  • Zimbabwe proclaimed independence

  • The nation of Zimbabwe, formerly Rhodesia, was formed

  • Great Britain recognized the country's independence and Rhodesia's name was officially changed to Zimbabwe

  • Mugabe's government changed the capital's name from Salisbury to Harare

  • Mugabe establishes a one-party socialist state, which means that the governemtn would be based almost all around socialism

  • In a referendum Zimbabwe voters rejected a new constitution which included provisions that called for redistribution of white-owned farmland to blacks

  • United States began imposing targeted sanctions on the Government of Zimbabwe, including restrictions on U.S. support for multilateral financing, and financial sanctions.

  • Zimbabwe was suspended from the Commonwealth of Nations. That month Mugabe was reelected president for another six years in a blatantly rigged election whose results were enforced by the president's militia which almost represents totalitarianism

  • Mugabe rigged the presidential election because he opposed the Movement for Democratic Change

  • Mugabe allegedly rigged the presidential elections again and suspended Tsvangirai because Tsvangirai's party was the Movement for Democratic Change

  • Period: to
