World History Unit 1: Early Egypt

  • 11,000 BCE

    Humans in the Nile

    Humans in the Nile
    Humans begin settlements along the coast of the Nile River. They first hunt and collect food, then start planting crops and taming animals. Develop a distinct culture as a result of these advancements.
  • 4000 BCE

    The Predynastic Period

    The Predynastic Period
    Settlements are split up into different tribes along Upper Egypt. Hierakonpolis in the south is the largest Predynastic settlement. They also play a key role in unification of Upper Egypt.
  • 3250 BCE

    Hieroglyphics used

    Hieroglyphics used
    First signs of writing found. The Egyptians end up using hieroglyphics for over 3,000 years to document important info.
  • 3100 BCE

    Egypt Unites

    Egypt Unites
    Narmer leads Upper Egypt into battle, in which Narmer wins. Narmer is the first King to rule both lands of Egypt.
  • 3050 BCE

    Early Dynastic Period (First Dynasty)

    Early Dynastic Period (First Dynasty)
    King Djer expands his royal tomb also expanding Egypt. As the third pharaoh he has over 300 sacrifices to accompany him to the grave.
  • 2750 BCE

    Early dynastic Period (Third Dynasty)

    Early dynastic Period (Third Dynasty)
    King Djoser is the ruler of Egypt, in his time Egypt was known for making its biggest technological advancement. One of these being the construction of the first small pyramid.
  • 2580 BCE

    The Old Kingdom

    The Old Kingdom
    This period marked the begining of the pyramids. The first being the Great Pyramid of Giza. This is also when Egypt became a true civilization being under rule of one government.
  • 2500 BCE

    Great Pyramids

    Great Pyramids
    The pyramids were built to honor the dead and house them in tombs. It is said that if you are buried there you will go into the afterlife safely.
  • 2200 BCE

    Egypt is split

    Egypt is split
    In about 2200 BC the government in Egypt collapses and Upper and Lower Egypt have different rulers. This was due to a disagreement over land and resources between the two sides.
  • 2100 BCE

    Underworld Worship

    Underworld Worship
    Tomb writing is first introduced. This is when people really got into the afterlife idea of their deaths, and these were supposed to increase your chances of making it there. Egypt becomes heavily underworld influenced.
  • 2055 BCE

    Upper and Lower Egypt Reunited

    Upper and Lower Egypt Reunited
    Mentuhotep II becomes king of Upper Egypt. He later takes control of all of Egypt. He reunites through war and battle, leader of Upper Egypt.
  • 2050 BCE

    Middle Kingdom

    Middle Kingdom
    The Middle Kingdom of Egypt was mainly known for its stability and peace. Also, a good political environment as Lower and Upper Egypt are now unified. A distinct culture began to form in the ways of language, literature, and art.
  • 1550 BCE

    King Ahmose (Second Intermediate Period)

    King Ahmose (Second Intermediate Period)
    Ahmose is ruler, and in about 1550 he conquers the foreign Hyksos rulers who had taken control of Lower Egypt. After this, he becomes King of all of Egypt, his actions also lead Egypt into its New Kingdom.
  • 1499 BCE

    New Kingdom

    New Kingdom
    Ancient Egyptians take full control of Nubia, a region to the south of Egypt, with valuable natural resources such as gold and precious stones. This new expansion leads to an era called the New Kingdom.
  • 1473 BCE

    The Female Pharaoh

    The Female Pharaoh
    The first female is made pharaoh, this is initially due to her stepson being too young to rule. Her time as ruler is considered a very peaceful and positive time. She had many feats, including the most succsesful trade expedition in Egyptian history, and brinigng back gold and incense to the land.
  • 1352 BCE

    New Religion of Aten

    New Religion of Aten
    King Akhenaten is ruling at this time. He believes that the sun god Aten, should be worshipped as the only Egyptian god. Many Egyptians do not agree, and after he dies his monuments are destroroyed and religion wiped from existence.
  • 1336 BCE

    The Child who was King

    The Child who was King
    Tutankhamun becomes king at the age of nine years old. Also known as King Tut, he was not the most important King, but his tomb was the only one found fully intact located in the Valley of the Kings. His tomb suggested that he was one of the richest kings ever.
  • 1279 BCE

    King Ramses

    King Ramses
    King Ramses was the third ruler of the 19th Dynasty, and known well for being the greatest Egyptian King ever. He ruled for 66 years, while ruling he built more monuments, and sired more children than any King before him. He also led some of the most important campaigns, in which he seized land back to Egypt that had been taken from them in the past.
  • 673 BCE

    Foreign Rule (Late Period)

    Foreign Rule (Late Period)
    Egypt becomes under foreign control by invasion.The main conquerors being the Assyrians. The conquest of Egypt not only placed a land of great cultural importance under Assyrian rule but also brought the Assyrian Empire to its biggest reign.
  • 30 BCE

    The last hieroglyph

    The last hieroglyph
    The last hieroglyphic is carved on a wall at the Temple of Philae in south Egypt. This marked the end of Ancient Egypt, and the end of one of the most prominent and impactful civilizations ever.