
World History Timeline Project: Albert Einstein

  • Einstein's Birth

    Einstein's Birth
    SourceEinstein was born in Ulm, Württemberg, Germany. His parents were Hermann and Pauline Einstein.
  • Einstein attends Swiss school.

    Einstein attends Swiss school.
    In 1896 Einstein attended the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich for his training to become a teacher in physics and mathematics.
  • Einstein marries his first wife

    Einstein marries his first wife
    In 1903 Einstein marries his first wife Mileva Maric. They later had 2 sons, Hans and Eduard.
  • Einstein earns his doctor's degree

    Einstein earns his doctor's degree
    In 1905, Einstein earns his doctor's degree in physics and mathematics.
  • Einstein's Theory of Relativity

    Einstein's Theory of Relativity
    Einstein developed his theory of relativity, which states E=mc^2. Energy(E) equals mass(m) times the speed of light(c) squared. In laymans terms, a big object causes a distortion in space-time. Imagine a trampoline with a large ball in the middle, and a marble is placed on the edge. The trampoline will dimple and the marble will roll towards the ball in the center. This is known as gravity.
  • Einstein divorces and remarries

    Einstein divorces and remarries
    In 1919, due to an emotional breakdown, Mileva divorced Einstein. Einstein then married his cousin Elsa Löwenthal, who he had an affair with earlier.
  • Period: to

    Einstein wins the Nobel Peace Prize

    In 1921, Einstein wins the Nobel Peace Prize for physics. He recieved the actual prize a year later due to a bureaucratic ruling.
  • Einstein moves to the US

    Einstein moves to the US
    Because of oppression and death threats from the Nazi party, Einstein decided to move to Princeton, New Jersey where he would spend the rest of his life.
  • Einsteinium discovered

    Einsteinium discovered
    Einsteinium was discovered during a nuclear bomb test in the Pacific ocean, by Albert Ghiorso.
  • Einstein's Death

    Einstein's Death
    Albert Einstein died in Princeton, New Jersey due to an abdominal aortic aneurysm.
  • Gravitational waves detected

    Gravitational waves detected
    In more recent times, gravitational waves were detected, proving Einstein's theory of relativity.