Issac Newton publishes Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
Issac Newton published a book based on his findings of the three basic laws of motion. -
John Locke make major progress on his political philosophy work
John Locke make lots of progress in addressing the doctrine of people's natural rights
https://www.britannica.com/biography/John-Locke -
Voltaire speaks against religious and political systems
Voltaire published Lettres philosophiques, in which he talked about rebelling against religious and political systems. This creates an uprising and he is forced to flee Paris. -
Voltaire publishes his best known work
Voltaire publishes his most popular work, Candide. Very popular to have been read during the 18th century -
The Decleration of Independence was signed
The founding fathers sign the Declaration of Independence. Signing this announced America's separation from Britain. This document stated humans' natural rights and the promotion of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. -
The start of the French Revolution
The French government increased taxes on the lower class which started the revolution. -
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The French Revolution
The French Revolution lasted 10 years and resulted in many deaths, including King Louis XVI's death. https://www.britannica.com/event/French-Revolution -
Storming of the Bastille
A Paris crowd stormed the Bastille(a large prison) giving an example of royal tyranny. -
Thomas Paine publishes the Rights of Man
Thomas Payne publishes The Rights of Man in support of the French Revolution. -
King Louis XVI tries to flee France
King Louis XVI tried to flee France with his with Marie, but they were stopped at Varennes and brought back to Paris -
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The Reign of Terror
Harsh punishments were given out to anyone who was suspected of being an enemy of the revolution. These people were either executed by the "National Razor," or were held in prison without a trial. There were around 300,000 deaths during this timespan. https://www.britannica.com/summary/The-Enlightenment-Timeline