rape of nanking
the population of nanking was subjected to the act of butcuring of the population.then they were tied up shot in a field. this caused mass deaths. this was due to the fact of the feeling of empower ment and rejection for the troops. -
german blitzkrieg
A German word for “lightning war,” blitzkrieg is a military way designed to create disorganization among other forces. Its successful use results in short military campaigns. this happened because the germans wanted to have more controle of the situation. this gave them more of a advantage. -
fall of paris
german troops took paris. the us did not want to help 2 million people fled paris. thoes who stayed were captured. german wanted to have forces in paris to scare paris. -
peral habor
the japan army droped bombs on the hawaii army port. they did this because they wanted to lead the united states into war. this caused many deaths and a lot of destruction -
wannsee conference
this was the meating in which they decited wht to do with the jewis members of the county.they decided they would mass murder the jews. which didnt happen the ony thing that did happen was the rule of jews not marring non jews. -
bataan death march
a march threw rough terain .10650 people were killed in this event. this was so japan could show they were strong and wanted to fight to win. -
allied troops in a 50 mile troop line stoud armed to fight the nazi army.on this day many people died. the allied forces got a foot hold on the other side at he cost of over 9000 lives. -
battke of low jima
this event steemed from the need of us troops based near japans coast. this was a bombing campaing. 5900 deaths happened during this time. -
britian and us had victory in europe.germany has lost 8000 troops.About 1 million Germans attempted a mass exodus to the West when the fighting.this happened because the us and britan had fought a long hard battle. -
liberation of cocentration camps
poland and other places with these camps surrender there camps and prisoners. this saved att he prisoners for a short time. the camps were shut down and burrened in the case of some.this was due to the fact of the start of lossing the war. -
dropping of the atomic bomb
the united state became the only nation to use atomic warfaire.this event marked the end of world war 2.this caused uncountable amount of deaths, the us did this to end the war between us and japan. -
allied forces celebrate the surender of japan.the allied forces have finally won. the japan forces have given up and gave in. -
battle of the bulge
hitler wanted a surprise attack so he devided his troops in half to create a blitzkrieg affect. this coast 100000 deaths. no victory made.