World History Illustrated Timeline Red 3

By jeaver
  • Hobbes publishes Leviathan

    Leviathan was a book written by Thomas Hobbes explaining Power and common wealth.
    Hobbes' idea of common wealth predicted upon his views of humans without goverment
  • Locke published Two Treatises on Government

    John Locke published Two Treatises on Government.
    People can reform the government, and the natural and just rebellions that occur from a monarchical abuse of power
  • Rousseau published The Social Contract

    Rousseau published The Social Contract, attempt to unite liberty of an individual without government.
    A persons morals and political obligations are dependent upon a contract or agreement among them to form the society in which they live.
  • Montesquieu published Spirit of Laws

    Montesquieu published Spirit of Laws.
    It was one of the primary sources for the US constitution and one of the major influences of the development of democratic institutions
  • Beccaria published On Crimes and Punishment

    Caesar Beccaria published On Crimes and Punishment.
    Beccaria gave his views and thoughts on Crimes and Punishments.
  • Meeting of the Estates General

    A meeting or assembly representing the French estates of the realm. They faced financial crisis, widespread agitation, and weakened power of the king.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Parisian revolutionaries and mutinous troops storm and dismantle the Bastille royal fortress
  • Declaration of the Rights of Men and Citizen

    A declaration demanding it's citizen to stay upon simple and incontestable principles. It gave rights to citizens for the first time
  • March of Vesailles

    A crowd of women demanded bread for their families. Women march throughout Versailles to demand food.
  • Gens de Colour equal rights

    Revolted against unfair rights against equal rights. They protested for colored rights.
  • French forces admit defeat to slave army

    Rebellion seeking freedom of their freedom for their leaders. It killed 2,000 whites and 10,000 blocks and mulattos.
  • French National Assembly grant rights to slaves

    Slave force continue to grow, reaching nearly 40,000 by the end of July. 10-15,000 slaves in Haiti rise in rebellion.
  • Beheading of King Louis XIV

    King Louis was arrested and charged with treason and then he was publicly beheaded. It started big financial problems and both King and Queen were executed.
  • Reign of Terror

    Th killing of 40,000 innocent people due to Maximeellion Reubspiere. It changed the government and mass murdered 40,000 people.
  • The colony "Saint- Domingue" is abolished

    Small island the exported sugar and small amounts of coffee, cacao, indigo, and cotton. Legacy of slavery that has continued to have a profound impact on Haitian hostory.
  • Napoleon is Emporer

    Napoleon self-crowned himself as emperor and became dictator of the country.