The Mughal Empire
This empire began in 1526 and ended in 1528. It contained Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs. It grated trading rights to the British in exchange for exotic and rare goods. -
British East India Company
Early British imperialism in India was carried out by this company. It was soon embroiled into Indian politics. This company took over and gained control over India. They even made changes to Indian society. They introduced a new education system and English, as well as British law. -
The Gunpowder Plot
King James was the monarch at this time, but not everyone liked him, especially Catholics.There was a ceremony where the king would be at the House of Parliament in London. Guy Fawkes and his friends were catholics and didn't feel as if they were being treated fairly,so they plotted to blow up the House of Parliament. Nearly 2 tons of gunpowder were ready to be lit up, but Fawkes was caught due to alerted authority, and he was arrested and hung, but committed suicide while trying to escape. -
The Restoration
Oliver Cromwell's had banned all things fun and entertaining, and people wished for a monarch once more. In this time, Charles I's son became king and was called the Merry Monarch because he brought back the things that made the people happy. He was a good ruler and he had learned from the mistakes from his father and grandfather, however he needed money, more than he could be given, so he made a deal with Louis XIV of France and converted his kingdom into Catholics for money. -
Period: to
The Enlightenment
A time where new ideas where brought to light and philosophers came out with new ideas. People wanted order and reason. During this time, it was widely debated whether or not man was born good or bad. -
The Glorious Revolution
King James II ignored religious laws, so he appointed his son, but Parliament was worried the kingdom would soon become Catholic, so William of Orange and Mary were encouraged to rule. James II fled to france. This peaceful transfer of power was called the Glorious Revolution. William and Mary swore an oath to govern the people, and the English Bill of Rights was passed. -
China and Opium
In the 1800s, England felt it desperately needed to boost exports to China. China was not very open to trade. England wanted to get tea, which came from China. Both Countries also competed for cotton production. They needed to find a way to export to China. So, they came up with the Opium. The Chinese got addicted and kept buying more and more. It was soon made illegal because it caused social and economic problems. -
Opium War 1839-1842
Long story short, the British won. The Chinese did not have the kind of technology that the Britsh. They gave up and signed the Treaty of Nanjing..a peace agreement they had no choice but to sign. -
The Potato Famine
Potatoes originated in the Andes Mountains in Peru. They were grown and sent to Europe, reaching England. They soon after became a staple food. In September of 1845, the famine began mysteriously as the leaves on the plants would turn black and curl, and then rot. The cause for this was an airborne fungus. Because of it, 1 million people starved to death, and 1.5 million left and moved to a better place. The British did nothing to aid the suffering Irish. -
End of Japenese Isolation
After the opium wars, Japan decided that they needed to open up to the west. They signed treaties and traded with other countries. -
The Berlin Conference
European nations were competing aggressively for territory in Africa. In 1884, European leaders met in Berlin to discuss regulating European colonization and trade in Africa. It was also an effort to prevent conflict between European nations. They established 'rules' for the conquest of Africa. No African leaders had been invited to this meeting, and no attention was paid to ethnic boundaries in dividing Africa. -
The Boer War
The British were met with opposition to land claims in South Africa. Dutch settlers, called Boers, had inhabited the area since the 1600s. Soon enough, in the 1800s, Gold was discovered here. Boers refused to grant political rights to foreigners, including the British. War broke out. The Boers lost and became under British control. -
Australia establishes its own Parliment
Since the 1700s, Britain used Australia as a penal colony, a place where they sent criminals to. After a while, in the 1800s, other colonists began to settle here. In 1901, Britain granted self-rule to the Commonwealth of Australia. It soon established its own Parliament. -
Russo-Japenese War
Caused the destruction of a Russian fleet. It ended with the Japenese winning. The treaty of Shimono ended the war.