19th amendment passed (I don't know if this counts its 24 days before Versailles)
This is a monumental time in the U.S. government, and the U.S. was later at giving this right in comparison to others. Women at this time were getting more job opportunities, and freedom, they were able to drive cars, play sports, travel alone, smoke in public. Women later participated in social reform for the mistreatment for women and children. Other races would soon follow in the gaining of rights and suffrage. -
Treaty of Versailles
This treaty was heavily influenced by England, France, and the United States. The goal was to punish Germany and other central powers for WWI, and to prevent another conflict from happening. Germany was forbidden to have an air force, and had a token army and navy. They were forced to pay reparations. This left Germany humiliated. It didn’t leave peace, punishment, or reconciliation. This treaty is considered one of the great failures in history. -
Treaty of Sevres
This treaty is a marker of the Ottoman Empire’s fall.The allied powers forced the Sultan to give up most of his lands. The Sick Man of Europe was being controlled. This treaty is what causes the issues in the Middle East with European rule, and Jewish Migrations. This treaty is also what caused the creation of Turkey in 1923. The treaty of Sevres the Ottoman Empire’s version of the Treaty of Versailles. The Ottomans were similarly punished by reparation payments and a limited military. -
First commercial radio station
First commercial radio station began to broadcast in Pittsburg.
Although this station itself probably didn’t have an impact on radio-wave communication it is the start of a brand new form of communication, and media for citizens. Later in 1930 12 million families owned radio receivers, and Europe soon followed. Some other countries tried to limit the use of commercial radio waves, which severely limited the growth of radios. -
Mohandas K. Gandhi gives up western culture ( I had to look up the day, and don't know if it is right)
Gandhi gives up Western culture and begins to wear a simple Indian peasant clothes. He begins to get the attention of farmers and outcasts This begins the independence of India for the lower class, and into a mass movement with a partial religious aura. Gandhi is one of the biggest reasons for the Indian independence, and without the lower class helping it may not have happened. Events that require mass participation such as the march to the sea were very effective. -
Mussolini takes power
Mussolini is a huge reason why Italy takes the Axis side of the war partially during WWII. He threatened a march on Rome if he wasn't appointed Prime minister. Ge also allied with Germany in the Axis pact of 1935. Mussolini installed Fascist party members in all government parties and jailed anyone who opposed him. Like Hitler, he did improve the economy in the country, but at the cost of personal liberty, and living standards for some. Mussolini is also known for speeches. -
USSR established
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The communists took control of Russia, and defeated their enemies. The Soviet Union successfully grows in size, and reconquers most of the tsar’s empire, and becomes the biggest country by land mass. The New economic policy was able to be established, which allowed for a time of economic boom. This is when Russia starts to industrialize, and become a more modern and powerful country. -
New Economic Policy (NEP) (Day unknown and therefore I'll put the 1st)
(Day unkown)This Policy established by Vladimir Lenin allowed for the revival of the Soviet economy by going against some communist values. It allowed for the owning of private enterprises. Only big businesses belonged to the government. Lenin describes this as "Two steps back to advance one step forward". Communists wanted to create a modern industry without private property, but this allowed for "breathing space" in te economy. As shown by history the USSR turned to true communism soon after. -
Mustafa Kemal declares Turkey a Republic
Mustafa tried to modernize Turkey, and make it closer to Europe. He made radical changes to make it more westernized, he made Turkey a secular Republic, introduced European law. Replaced Arabic Alphabet with Latin Alphabet. He gave women the right to vote and required everyone to take a family name. Changed clothing. His effect made Turkey modernize further and get closer to western culture. He also gave more of his people rights through strides towards modernization. -
Vladimir Lenin dies
After Vladimir Lenin's death Stalin and Lenin contended for lead, and Stalin won. Trotsky didn’t favor communism, and lack of democratic ideas, and Stalin was for Communism. After Stalin won he filled the party with individuals loyal to him, and expelled Trotsky, and forced him to flee the soviet Union. Stalin’s rule is known for industrialization, and creation of a new industrial country however it was also known for terror, and a brutal reign. -
Mein Kampf published
This book was a written form of Hitler’s life, and his ideology. His ideas in the book were so radical and insane that no one took it seriously. Hitler’s ideas went further than normal nationalism. He believed that all German speaking areas, should be German, and the master race of Aryans. His intense hatred of Jews also resonated in Germany, due to economic problems. In this book Hitler glorified violence and looked forward to a future war. -
Five-Year Plans
(Don't know what day it was implemented).The Five-Year Plans were plans that Stalin introduced. This set goal for the output of steel, electricity, machinery and most other products. The government created whole industries and cities from scratch than trained millions of peasants to work in the factories mines and offices. This made Stalin’s country resemble a country at war. This also played a huge factor in Russian industrialization.Roads canals and railroads were made, Hydroelectric dams. -
Black Tuesday/Great Depression starts
The stock Market takes a sudden dive on October 24th. Stocks were worth half their original value and people started to suddenly withdraw money from their bank accounts. IT started with a stock market crash and later people began to limit purchases, and business lowered production causing unemployment, and bankruptcy. Soon unemployment was up to 25% and the U.S. started enacting protective tariffs. This also lowered global trade with other countries and cut the total trade by 62%.. -
Getulio Vargas becomes president of Brazil after Coup
Vargas wrote a new constitution for Brazil that lowered the term limit of the president to one term. He raised import duties and promoted national firms and state-owned enterprises. In 1936 he doubled industrial production. This industrialization also destroyed Brazil’s Natural landscape, especially the Amazon Rainforest. Vargas was also a dictator later in his rule., but his legacy also helped the urban poor but didn't help the peasants. Ironically he also was overthrown in a coup also. -
Great Depression reaching Europe. (No official date, but this software forces me to put a month and day so I'll put Jan 1st)
After the U.S. was affected by the depression Europe is soon to follow. In Germany unemployment reached 6 million, and half the German population lived in poverty, which is a major problem that Hitler will soon exploit. In Germany Hitler placed the blame on the depression on Jewish residents, which resonated in the German people due to the depression, and the fact that Jewish people owned a majority of banks and businesses that were forced to lay off many of their workers. -
Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
One of the most pivotal moments between WWI and WWII is the nazi takeover of Germany. Hitler’s extreme ideals that were laid out in Mein Kampf resonated within the German people enough in order to give him lead of Germany. He took a dictorial lead of Germany and was leading germany to a war path. The Nazi’s economic and social policies strangely were effective, and most Germans thought that the economic well being was more important than their liberty. -
The Berlin Olympics
This is the first time that citizens of other countries could see the inside of Germany and the fact that it has an actual military that is going against the treaty of Versailles. The military event was a camouflage for its racist and military rising to other countries. Some countries tried to boycott the Olympics due to the antisemitism that was occurring inside of Germany at the time. Hitler also banned non-Aryans from the Olympic team, and this event was a triumph on the Nazi side. -
Anti-Comitern Pact later Axis Pact
This was the first step towards the creation of the Axis powers. This pact was implied against Communism, but is implied to be against the Soviet Union. First, it was Germany and Japan, and later Italy joined in. This was a treaty stating that none of the signers can make political treaties with the Soveit Union -
Sino-Japanese War
This is a showing that Japan isn’t going to be on the Allies side on the war this time. Japan is going against the Allies wishes by attacking China. This was a showing of Japanese violence and brutality in events such as the Rape of Nanjing. Japanese Kill all and burn all policy. The Sino-Japanese war showed that Japan wanted to expand to another country and later joins what is known as the Axis powers. -
German Invasion of Poland
This is the spark of the explosion that is World War Two. Hitler has finally built the German army to a massive size (I'm not sure how the allies didn't notice this). After the invasion of Poland England, Australia, and New Zealand declared war on Germany. This has a huge impact on the course of history. The Great War wasn't the War to end All Wars. This was greater than the first in every way. WWII was fought around the whole world in every Ocean, and technology has advanced to air combat.