Period: to
new time line
reservation system
Assigned to the indians, because we where pushing them to far west -
uncles toms cabin
Novel written by harriet breecher stowe. -
dreddscott case
case thrown out by court because the man was african american -
election of 1860
battle of fort summter
firts shots where fired starting the begining of the civil war. -
homestead strike
battle of annteitam
emancipation proclomation
Freed all slaves after the battle of antietam -
battle of gettysburg
turning point of the civil war -
battle of vicks burg
gettysburg adress
13 amendment
lincolsns asasination
south had to help rebuild the destroyed parts of the us. -
election of 1867
14 amendment
knights of labor
15 amendment
assimilation policy
chinese exclusion act 1882
said that no chinese could enter the us. -
pullman strike
workers arued because of there low wages -
american federation of labor
haymarket square
dawes act
jim crow laws
ameriacan railway union
started and gave jobs to a lot of americans and immigrants. -
spanish american war
treaty of paris
platt amendment
boxer rebellion
immigration restriction act
panama canal
us enters ww1
18th amendment
19th amendment
treaty of verssille
cold war
nuclear war between us and soviet union -
division of germany
`east and weast germany created for communist containment. -
pact created by the us to protect themselves. -
warsaw pact
created by the sviet union to protect them. -
berlin airlift
gave supplies and aided east germany. -
ww2 general who later became president. -
Berlin wall
set up to divide communism