Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand
Archduke Francis Ferdinand was assassinated by a group called the black hand. They came from Serbia and they killed him because he threatened Serbian independence. His death is what most say sparked WWI. -
Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
Austria-Hungary after the death of their archduke decided to go to war with Serbia. Germany, being allies with Austria-Hungary, gave them the funding that allowed them to take Serbia to war. -
Germany declares war on Russia
Even though the war started between Serbia and Austria-Hungary, many other European countries were pulled in through alliances such as Germany and Russia. -
Great Britain declares war on Germany
Part of the Schlieffen Plan was for Germany to invade France by going up through Belgium. Great Britain, being allies with Belgium, did not like this and joined the war effort against Germany. -
Schlieffen Plan
Germany needed to fight the war on two fronts against both Russia and France. The Schlieffen Plan was to start in France and then move to Russia as they saw France as the weaker opponent. -
Ottoman Empire joins the war
The ottomans join the central powers to fortify the war effort. They were promised money as well as Russian land when the war was over by Germany. -
Battle of Gallipoli-Turk
Considered a great victory for the central powers the Turkish defended the border against the French and British for 8 long months. -
Germans sink the lusitania
Germans sank the British ship carrying passengers traveling from The U.S to Britain. The Germans claimed there were weapons on the ship. but the British denied this claim. -
Battle of Somme
Great Britain helped France to push back German lines through a tough offensive that also helped the France win in Verdun. Very bloody battle with over 500,000 casualties on each side. -
Battle of Verdun
Verdun was the longest and bloodiest battle of the first world war. It was fought between Germany and France and heavily included trench warfare. -
Zimmerman note
British intelligence groups intercepts a message from the Germans to the Mexicans. The Germans were asking the Mexicans to attack the U.S so they would not be able to join the war effort in Europe. -
March Revolution
The March Revolution in Russia was started due to poor leadership and their struggle in the war. The revolution ultimately ended the rule of Tsar Nicholas II. -
U.S joins the war
After the Zimmerman note and the sinking of many U.S ships by Germany Wilson asked on Congress to go to war and they would officially declare war on Germany in December. -
Bolsheviks take power
After the revolution there were no people to take control of the country. Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks stepped up and gained trust of the people by promising better leadership. -
Balfour Declaration
Arthur James Balfour proposed that the British make Palestine a homeland for the Jewish people. The proposal never came to fruition though. -
Russian civil war
After the Bolsheviks and Vladimir Lenin gained power they looked to rebuild Russia. But many people were opposed to this so a civil war between communists and nationalist began. -
Second Battle of the Marne
The Germans last offensive push on western front. The loss to the allies and retreat by the Germans was a sign of defeat in the war. -
Armistice signed
A truce between the Central and Allied powers was agreed upon signaling the end of the war and the Allies victory. -
Paris Peace Conference
A conference between the major countries of the war to discuss a treaty and future country borders. -
Treaty of Versailles signed
The treaty formally ended the war and forced Germany to take responsibility for the war and to pay massive reparations for their involvement.