Steam Engine
In 1765 James Watt was given the task of repairing a steam engine created by Thomas Newcomen. While working on the steam engine he made improvements. In 1769 he got a patent on a condenser he created that remained cool while the cylinder got hot. James design became the new modle for steam engines and helped push the industrial revolution forward. -
French revolution
The french revolution began because the common people did not have anything while the nobles had everything. In 1789 the people had not been heard.eventually the people had had enough and destroyed the Bastill and had the king and queen killed. After Luis xVI the king was killed the reign of terror began under Robespierre.17,000 people died by the guilatine. Napoleon liberated the french by creating Napoleon code which abolished Feudalism and allowed religious tolertation. -
Haitian Revolution
In 1791 over one hundred thousand slaves rose up against their french opressores. Toussaint L'Ouverture was one of the revolutions heros. He knew that the revolution would not hold unless the revolution was orginized. Toussaint decided to become allies with France. Haiti remained under Toussants consulship. Toussaints reign was ended by Napoleon Bonapart. The revolution was carried on by Jean-Jacques Dessalines. In 1803 Hait became a republic. -
Independence of Mexico
Father Hidalgo sparked the independance in 1810. Hidalgo and his small group of consperitors tried to attack the capitol but Hidalgo was captured and executed. The new leader became Jose Maria Morelos. He won many victories against Spain but was killed in 1815. Agustin de Iturbide, a spanish officer who led a large army switched sides and Spain lost most of its forces, destroying the spanish rule. Mexico declaried its independ on august 24, 1821. -
Congress of Vienna
the goal of the conference was to create a balance of power to preserve the peace and establish the boundaries in Europeand defeated Napoleon. In 1815 Napoleon is declared an outlaw. Treaty decided that the trafficing of slaves was condemed and all countries had freedom to navigate most rivers. -
Opium War
In 1839 opium became one of the biggest British imports in China even though it was illegal. For years China tried t stop the trade and failed. When Comisioner Lin Tse-hsu was assigned to surrpressing the opium trade.about 2,613,879 pounds of opium were taken frm merchants. The British were angry about this and sent troops to Hong Kong. China was no match for Britan, In 1842 China and Britain signed the treaty of Nanjing, ending the war. -
Communist Manifesto
The commuist manifesto was written in 1848. It was written by two germans, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.The book presents the problems with a capitalist society and how eventually it would be replaced by communism.In Marxs own words the book says,"The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles." Basically saying that all other societies will have class struggle but communism is telling the workers that they can have a better life in a communist society. -
Matt Perry goes to Japan
In 1853 Matthew Perry entered Tokyo Japan. Japan did not trade with anyone except the Dutch once a year. Matt Perry went to japan and foreced them to trade with the Americans. Instead of fighting back the Japenese decided to adopt their ways and modernize. -
Sepoy Mutiny
The Sepoys were Indians trained by the British as soldires. The Sepoyes heard that their cartridges were being greased with lard and cow fat. Because cows are sacred to Hindus and pigs are disgusting to muslims, all the Indians were outraged. The Indians took two cities that were controlled by the british but in the end the British subdued the Sepoys and killed a lot of them. -
Unification of Germany
The leading German state was Prussia, and they wanted to unify Germany under their rule. Austria would not joine. A man named Otto Von Bismarck was the Prime Minister and started the 7 week war against Austria. Prussia won in 1866. Bismarck chose France to be the enemy that all of Germany could unite against. In 1821 France surrenders to Germany. In 1871 France signed the Treaty of Frankfort unifying Germany. -
Berlin Conference
1884-1885 In the berlin conference Africa was cut into peicese for differenct countries such as, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, and the Netherlands. The initial purpose of the conference was to agree that the Congo and Niger rivers would be open to trade. The result of the conference split up Africa into fifty countries between the participents of the Berlin Conference. -
Russo-Japenese War
Both Russia and Japan wanted Korea and Manchuria Russia tride to expand into Manchuria but was overcome by the Japenese power. Japan attacked Russia at Port Arthur, Russia retreited. After another loss in the battle of tsushima Russia was forced to sign the peace treaty of portsmouth giving Japan control over Korea and much of Monchuria. -
Zulu Uprising
The British Taxed the african workers in Natal, South Africa more so that they would work more A man named Bambatha resisted the collection of the new tax. And in 1906 two white officers were killed when they went to collect his tax. Bambatha fled. He gathered a small army of supporters and revolted. Britain troops srrounded and killed most of the revolters, beheading Bambatha. -
Dr. Sun Yat-sen takes over china
The "father of the Revolution". His ideas were based on the three principles of man, nationalism, democracy, and equalization, and that the chinese should have the power of their government instead of foreign rulers. Sun Yat-sens nationalist and democraticrevolution became the Chinese republic when he became president in 1912.Sun Yat-sen died in 1924 but his ideas powered the revolution in the 20th century and becam the basis of the nationalist government.