World History

  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    It is said that Pearl Harbor Happened because that there was always a feud between the two country's and japan thought the only way to end is for them to expand. Therefore they bombed U.S. Naval Base trying to achieve their goal. This played a major factor because this was the point in where we entered war.
  • D-Day

    D day had occurred because Germany had won the battle of France so therefore the allied forces tried to regain it. D-Day was an invasion that they tried to trick and make think it was somewhere else then they would eventually land on the coasts of shores and move in. It was significant because the result of it really shifted gears.
  • Battle Of The Bulge

    Battle Of The Bulge
    The battle of bulge occurred because it was the Germans trying to push through the united states army. It was a cold snowy December where 250,000 Germans were sent as it was the largest on western front. This is a factor in war because it was Germany's last offensive to push.
  • Battle Of Okinawa

    Battle Of Okinawa
    This battle took place because it was part of Operation Iceberg which was a plan to get the Ryukyu Islands. It was a major battle on Easter Sunday which was one of the bloodiest battles. This was a major factor because with the win it put Allied forces in range of japan attacks.
  • Atomic Bomb Dropped On Hiroshima

    Atomic Bomb Dropped On Hiroshima
    It is believed that the reason for the atomic bomb was used for a speedy way to end the war. The bomb is pretty much self explanatory a giant bomb that destroyed pretty much everything. This is significant because it ended the war but believed to start the cold war.