3500 BCE
The Wheel Invented
3000 BCE
Cuneiform Invented
2600 BCE
Great Pyramid built
1600 BCE
Hittites destroy Babylon
1595 BCE
Microscope Invented
1421 BCE
Chinese circumnavigated the globe
1400 BCE
Caravels Invented
1400 BCE
First Alphabet Invented
1300 BCE
Tutankhamun was Pharoah
1268 BCE
Eyeglass Invented
1250 BCE
Roman Conquest of Britain
1200 BCE
Plague In Eygpt
1150 BCE
Trojan War
1100 BCE
Crusades Occurred
320 BCE
Alexander conquers Greece
200 BCE
Compass Invented
105 BCE
Chinese Invented Paper
50 BCE
Murder of Julius Caesar
Period: 1 BCE to