world history

  • Hercules Mulligan

    Hercules Mulligan
    tailor and spy during the American Revolutionary War
  • Hamilton and Burr met

    They met to work on defending New York City against British attack.
  • Declaration of Independence was ratified

    Declaration of Independence was ratified
    this was the year the declaration of independence was ratified
  • American Revolution began/end

    American Revolution began/end
    when the American revolution happened
  • The US Constitution was ratified

    The US Constitution was ratified
    when they ratified the us constitution
  • Presentation of France's Bill of Rights

    Presentation of France's Bill of Rights
    Lafayette made a Bill of Rights similar to America's called the Declaration of Rights of Men and the Citizen.
  • Revolutionary War debts

    President Washington signs a bill into law that directed the federal government to assume the Revolutionary War debts of the states.
  • Aaron Burr Vice President

    Aaron Burr Vice President
    He founded the Manhattan Company
  • Louisiana Purchase was made

    Louisiana Purchase was made
    when we bought louisiana
  • American Civil War beginning and end

    American Civil War  beginning and end
    The war happened at Fort Sumter, North Carolina
  • Abraham Lincoln is assassinated

    Abraham Lincoln is assassinated
    when the president Abraham Lincoln died from being shot at a play
  • Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone
    the telephone was created
  • Thomas Edison perfects the lightbulb

    Thomas Edison perfects the lightbulb
    Thomas made sure the lightbulb
  • The Wright Brothers invent the airplane

    The Wright Brothers invent the airplane
    Wilbur and Orville wright created the first successful powered airplane.
  • Great Depression begins

    Great Depression begins
    When the stock market crashed
  • World War 2 begins

    World War 2 begins
    German invasion of Poland
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Was a surprise military attack by Japanese Navy Air Service
  • D-Day

    Largest seaborne invasion in history.
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ WW2 ends

    Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ WW2 ends
    The first atomic bomb was used as a weapon to end war.