World History (1200-1500)

  • Period: 1206 to 1236

    Genghis Khan

    Following unification of the Mongol tribes, Genghis Khan launches a campaign of conquest. His sons and grandsons create the world’s biggest land empire.
  • Period: 1267 to 1368

    Mongols from Dadu

    Weakened by disunity, the empire implodes. Ming troops oust the Mongols from Dadu.
  • 1285

    Ottoman Turks

    Osman inherits the leadership of th estriban group later known by the version o his name, as the Ottoman Turks.
  • 1393

    Bayazid I

    The Ottoman sultan Bayazid I brings the Slav kingdom of Bulgarian under his control.
  • 1402

    Bayazid I death

    The Ottoman sultan Bayazid is defeated and captured near Ankara by Timur, who keeps the sultan captivity until his death the next year.
  • 1443


    Skanderberg, Albania’s national hero, begins his long campaign for success against the Turks.
  • 1450

    Christian slaves

    Christian boys, trained as slaves in the personal service of the Turkish sultan, acquire considerable power as the elite cops of janissaries.
  • 1453

    End of Byzantine Empire

    Mehmed II lays siege to the Byzantine capital of Constantinople in 1453. He uses siege guns and bombards the walls for eight weeks. Heavy fighting continues, but the Byzantine capital is defeated when Emperor Constantine XI dies in battle. The city is now called Istanbul.
  • 1453

    Turks terrify Constantinople

    Turks terrify Constantinople by lobbing vast stones as the city from a 19-ton bombard of cast iron.
  • 1453

    Muslim conqueror of Constantinople

    Constantinople falls to a 21-year-old Muslims conqueror, Mhemed II, bringing the Ottoman Turks their capital city.
  • Period: 1453 to 1481

    Ottoman Empire flourishes

    During his reign Istanbul becomes a political, cultural and economic center. Mosques, bazaars, roads, inns and baths are built.
  • 1460

    Turks and Greece

    The Turks complete the occupation of Greece, which remains within the Ottoman Empire until the XIX century.
  • 1462

    Topeka pi Sarayi

    Mehmed II, conqueror of Constantinople, begins to build Topkapi Saraí as his palace.
  • 1464


    Mehmed II and Ottoman Turks conquer Bosnia, where a large number of families convert to a Islam.
  • 1468

    Skanderberg death

    Skanderberg dies and Albania becomes fully absorbed into the Ottoman Empire.
  • 1480

    Constantinople to Istanbul

    The name of Constantinople changes to Istanbul, a word based on the everyday Greek name for the city.
  • 1492

    Bayazid II

    Bayazid II, the Turkish sultan, makes a special point of welcoming in Istanbul the Jews expelled from Spain.