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Mussolini organizes fascist party in italy
Mussolini had always been a socialist in his youth but during war he rejected it for nationalism. He organized veterans and other disconnected Italians to the party. He promised to end corruption and instore order. He used the party to take control and used terror to oust elected officials. (March of Rome) -
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Mussolini prime minister of italy
Mussolini served as Italy's 40th prime minister. He was considered a central figure in the creation of Fascism and was both an influence on and close ally of Adolf Hitler during World War II. -
Hitler Writes Mein Kamf
"My struggle" Mein Kampf reflected Hitler's obsession spectre me nationalism, racism, and antisemitism. He viewed Jews as a separate race. He blamed defeat of World War 1 an a conspiracy of Marxists, Jews, corrupt politicians, and business leaders. Hitler urged Germans everywhere to unite into 1 large nation. He wanted to become a leader.
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Japan invades Manchuria
Japan had a highly developed industry, but the land was scarce of natural resources. Japan turned toward Manchuria for oil, rubber, and lumber in order to make up for the lack of resources.
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Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany
Conservative politicians turned to Hitler, they didn't like him but they thought they could control them. Later he was turned into a dictator, he suspended other political parties, German thus becoming a one-party, totalitarian state. -
Japan withdraws from League of Nations
Manchuria attacked China, so without consulting with their government Japan conquered Manchuria and set up manzhouguo, with the last emperor. When league of nation condemned Japanese aggression against China, Japan withdrew. -
Italy invades Ethiopia
Mussolini decided to act on his own imperialist ambitions, and invade Ethiopia. Ethiopians resisted but their outdated weapons were no match for Mussolini's tanks, machine guns, poison gas, and airplanes. The Ethiopian King Hails Selassia appealed to the league of Nations for help and they agreed to stop selling weapons and materials to Italy. But the league of Nations had no power to sanction it to the petroleum. -
U.S. passes the Neutrality Acts
The Neutrality Acts prohibited export of arms, ammunition, and implements of war. The act gave the president permission to sink all ships on U.S. soil, to have the ships meant they could use them.
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The Spanish Civil War
Spanish was split into 2 sides the right and the left. The right (Communists) and the left (Republicans). Franco unified the nationalist forces under the command of the fascist party. Italy and Germany aided Franco, and the Soviet Union aided the Republican side. In the end Communists won with Republicans giving up Madrid.
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Japan invades eastern China
The Japanese invasion of China were part of a rising tide of Japanese imperialism. Japan sought to be equal to western nations and to build their empire. Japan sought further rights in China such as the 21 demands. -
Hitler was ready to engineer the Union of Austria and Germany. When Austria's chancellor refused Hitler sent the German army to continue order. To show his new roll he gave a speech from the Hofburg Palace the residence of former Hapsburg emperors. The Anschluss violated the Versailles treaty, but the democracies took no action.
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Munich Conference
Britain and France were not willing to go to war to save Czechoslovakia, but they tried to think of a peaceful solution. The Sudetenland (land in which Hitler was attacking) said Hitler must be annexed to Germany. Britain and France chose appeasement, they caved into Hitler's demands and then persuaded the Czechs to surrender the Sudetenland without a fight, in return Hitler assured Britain and France that he had no more plans to expand territory. -
A young Jew whose parents were deported to Polang shot and wounded a German diplomat in Paris. Hitler used this incident as an excuse to stage an attack on all Jews.
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Germany takes the rest of Czechoslavakia
Prime minister Neville Camberlin didn't listen to Churchill's warnings because he believed the Munch pact had saved Czechoslovakia from danger. Hitler broke his promises, the democracies finally accepted the fact but promised they would save Poland from Hitler. -
Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis Formed(Tripartite Pact)
That alliance, Combined with renewed Japanese conquests, would turn World War 2 into a brutal, wide ranging conflict waged not only across the continent of Europe but across Asia and the islands of the Pacific as well.
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