World Authors Timeline

  • Birth of Jules Verne

    Birth of Jules Verne
    Born in Nantes, France to lawyer Pierre and Sophie Verne. Pierre and Sophie are of Scottish descent, and have close links with the slave trade and with reactionary milieus.
  • Period: to

    Timeline of Jules Verne

    World authors annotated timeline.
  • July Revolution

    July Revolution
    Jules becomes familiar with the establishment of the July Revolution by hearing continuous street battles. The birth of his brother, Paul took place; three sisters would follow.
  • Birth of siblings

    Birth of siblings
    The birth of his brother, Paul took place; three sisters would follow.
  • Continues education

    Continues education
    Verne continues his education at College Saint- Stanislas, Petit Seminaire, and Lycee Royal de Nantes where he excelled in geography, Greek, and Latin. Began writing his first short stories.
  • Studies law, marries.

    Studies law, marries.
    Verne moves to Paris to study law, where he writes his first play. After he comes successful from his first play, he married his long love first cousin, Caroline Tronson. He experiences a strong passion for Herminie Arnault- Grossetiere and writes more than fifty dedicated poems to her.
  • Verne present during July Revolution.

    Verne present during July Revolution.
    Verne is in Paris at the time of the July Revolution, and becomes involved with literature. Verne then is met with the famous writer of "The Three Musketeers", Alexandre Dumas.
  • Publishes two short stories, faced with facial paralysis.

    Publishes two short stories, faced with facial paralysis.
    Verne published two short stories, and is faced with a fatal attack of facial paralysis.
  • Ten Years' War

    Ten Years' War
    Ten Years' War between Cuba and Spain.
  • Long Depression

    Long Depression
    Long Depression in Western Europe and North America causeda severe international economic depression in Europe and the United States that lasted until 1879, and even longer in some countries.
  • "Around the World in Eighty Days"

    "Around the World in Eighty Days"
    Around the World in Eighty Days is published which was wrote during the time of war between France and Prussia; brought him the most success.
  • "A Journey to the Center of the Earth" is published

    "A Journey to the Center of the Earth" is published
    The book was inspired by Charles Lyell's "Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man of 1863" and influenced by Lyell's "Principles Of Geology".
  • East India Company

    East India Company
    British East India Company is dissolved.
  • First Boer War

    First Boer War
    South Africa vs. UK, also known as "First Anglo-Boer War".
  • British invasion

    British invasion
    The British invasion and subsequent occupation of Egypt took place (Anglo- Egyptian War).
  • Injured for life.

    Injured for life.
    Vernes’ favorite nephew Gaston, mentally ill, fired two shots as he was coming home from his home in Amiens. The first bullet missed, the other bullet, however, entered Verne’s left leg. The injury left Verne limping for life.
  • Chilean Civil War

    Chilean Civil War
    Conflict between the Congress and the current president at the time, José Manuel Balmaceda.
  • France forms military alliance

    France forms military alliance
    France and the Russian Empire form a military alliance
    (Franco-Russian Alliance).
  • Cuban Independence

    Cuban Independence
    Cuban War for Independence results in the Cuban independence from Spain.
  • End of Phillippine Revolution

    End of Phillippine Revolution
    The Philippine Revolution ends, declaring Philippines free from Spanish rule.
  • United States gains control.

    United States gains control.
    The United States gains control of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines after the Spanish-American War.
  • Death of Verne

    Death of Verne
    Verne fell into a diabetic coma, and died at the age of 77.