Hitler became Chancellor
After losing the Presidential election to Hindenburg, Hindenburgh felt bad so he appointed Hitler as chancelllor of Germany. This was his foot in the door for the goverment. -
President Hindenburg Died
The President of Germany died and all the power was left in the chancellor, Adolf Hittler. -
The Begining of World War 2
1.5 million German troops invade Poland all along its 1,750-mile border with German-controlled territory. Adolf Hitler claimed the the massive invasion was a defensive action. The British and French were not convinced and September 3, they declared war on Germany nitiating World War II. -
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World War II
French Surrender
After a blitzkrieg invasion was put on French in May the Frenxh surrendered to the Germans. -
Battle of Britain
Germany began bombing the British starting a large battle. -
Battle of Stalingrad
Four million Nazi toops crossed the boader in to Russia killing and catpturing millions of Russians. Winter came around and the Nazi's were not perpared and by Spring the next year the German foces were dwindling. -
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Opperation Barbarossa
It was an invasion of the Soviet Union that started from the Battle of Stalingrad and ended wih the battle of Mascow. -
Battle of Moscow a.k.a.Operation Typhoon
It was the last battle in the Soviet Union that left the Germans fleeing the Soviet Union. -
Hitler Kills Himself
In his bunker in Berlin Adolf Hitler takes a cyanide pill and shooting himself in the head because his dream came to an end with Germanys unconditional surrendered to the Allied forces. -
Caster Itter
In Austria, French and American prisoners, with the help of German soldiers, took down the Austrian/Nazi Millitary. -
End of World War 2
General Alfred Jodl signed a surrender and ended World War 2 in Europe.