Yourworkplace 22 5round table

Workplace Changes and Benefits

  • The first accredited online graduate program is offered by Nova Southeastern University.

    The first accredited online graduate program is offered by Nova Southeastern University.
    Online education changed the landscape of many professions not just those interested in learning or seeking a formal education but clearly this event provided opportunities for multiple organizations. Employees were now able to continue working full time while enrolled in an online program. This created benefits to all parties. Online education created new professions in information technology, created innovative pedagogies and may have also been the catalyst for telemedicine.
  • Bennett Hypothesis

    Bennett Hypothesis
    Does the availability of federal subsidies for college tuition interact with the actual cost of higher education? The Bennett Hypothesis indicated there was a direct correlation. This theory created just one more debate in the political arena and in higher education.
  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall

    The Fall of the Berlin Wall
    The fall of the Berlin Wall was a pivotal event in Germany but had a lasting impact on the world. Specific to the organization of higher education, it opened the door for political discussions which may have led to an increase in international students over the next decades. At the time of the fall, the publics view on the future of relationships between the United States and Eastern Europe was positive and perhaps the beginning of globalization.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    The U.S Department of Justice originally published its ADA on July 26, 1991, including the 1991 ADA Accessibility Guidelines. This was pivotal legislation which protected and supported all individuals with a variety of disabilities. The legislation provided guidelines to ensure persons with disabilities were provided opportunities for employment, had access to information and reasonable accommodations.
  • IBM Simon-First Cell phone

    IBM Simon-First Cell phone
    The first cellular phone was placed on the market in 1994. The changes this had on organizations world wide can not be overstated. The connections the cell phone allowed individuals to have regardless of their location changed the face of social connections. The workplace expanded outside of the office walls and allowed flexibility.
  • PUBLIC LAW 104-191 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996

    PUBLIC LAW 104-191 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
    HIPAA created legislation which provided patients with rights and mandated providers and health organizations follow a set of rules to protect the confidentiality of a person's health care record. It was precursor to the electronic simplification of medical records. This changed how patients expect care and how providers document and share patient information.
  • 9/11

    The devastating event of September 11, 2001 demolished the Twin Towers. This event not only took down the buildings and changed the face of New York City but it created a need for increased security and an examination of immigration laws which resulted in the US Patriot Act. Insurance and air travel changed forever following this event.
  • Facebook

    Facebook was created by college students and it was this group of individuals who changed the way the world communicates. Since 2004, Facebook has evolved from a purely social network to a forum for which people, businesses, social and political groups gather to express thoughts and opinions. It has also change non-profit organizations as it is now a place fundraisers can be quite successful.
  • YouTube

    YouTube has changed the face of music, economics. marketing, music and more. The idea of social journalism was created via uploaded videos. Organizations of political, social, economic, business and entertainment focuses have exploded with the evolution of YouTube.
  • Paris Act

    Paris Act
    The EPA announced a plan to decrease carbon emissions from power plants in the Clean Power Plan and evolved into the Paris Act. The goal was focused on addressing climate change. While the Paris Act was dismantled in 2019, it created change across the globe. Not only were power plants required to develop innovations for product creation, automobile manufacturing evolved and entertainment and education organizations developed policies and procedures to decrease their carbon footprint.