Riff raff

Workers rights and laws

  • Child labor amendment proposed

    Only 28 of the necessary 36 states fully ratified it.
  • President Franklin Roosevelt proposes New Deal

    President Franklin Roosevelt proposes New Deal
    Proposed programs to try and dig the economy out of the worst depression ever.
  • Minneapolis Teamsters strike

    Minneapolis Teamsters strike
    Police attacked and fired at Teamster truck drivers demanding recognition of their union, wage increases, and shorter working hours.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

    Established first minimum wage and 40 hour weeks. Congress of industrial organizations form as a independent federation.
  • Largest strike wave in U.S history

    Biggest post-war strike waves ever recorded.
  • George Meany becomes president of the labor union

    George Meany becomes president of the labor union
    After years of being apart of the organization, he worked his way up to become the president.
  • Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act

  • Equal Pay act

    Congress passed this mandating equal pay for women.
  • Civil rights act

    Bans forms of discrimination.
  • Martin Luther king assassinated in middle of sanitation strike

    The brave man who led all the strikes against discrimination got assassinated during a sanitation strike.
  • Occupational Safety and Health act

    Ensured safety in the workplace, instead of costing for a injured or dead employee, just make some safety measures.
  • Coalition of Labor Union Women founded

    Womens rights in the workplace.
  • Solidarity Day March

    Solidarity Day March
    Thousands of people walked out of their jobs to go protest. Ronald Reagan tried to control it, but it didn't work.
  • Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance created within AFL-CIO

    Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance created within AFL-CIO
    Concentrated on sweat shops and asians able to work American jobs.
  • Family and Medical Leave Act

    Family and Medical Leave Act
    Families won't have to worry about losing their jobs if they are ill and unable to work.