Worker's rights

  • Building a New Nation

    Building a New Nation
    African American slaves were first imported to colonies.
  • Building a New Nation

    Building a New Nation
    Five Dock workers were killed in Boston Massacre by British troops.
  • Struggles for Freedom

    Struggles for Freedom
    Slave importation was prohibited.
  • Struggles for Freedom

    Struggles for Freedom
    The Civil War begins and Abraham Lincoln takes office as president.
  • Origins of Today's Union Movement

    Origins of Today's Union Movement
    The National Labor Union was founded.
  • Origins of Today's Union Movement

    Origins of Today's Union Movement
    The very first parade for Labor day was in New York.
  • The Progressive Era

    The Progressive Era
    At the AFL convention the Women's trade Union League was formed.
  • The Progressive Era

    The Progressive Era
    The United States entered WWI
  • Repression and Depression

    Repression and Depression
    Women's got the right to vote thanks to the 19th amendment of the constitution.
  • Repression and Depression

    Repression and Depression
    New Ideal programs to congress were proposed by President Franklin Roosevelt.
  • Democratizing America

    Democratizing America
    The Upsurge in strikes, and the national textile strike, which fails.
  • Democratizing America

    Democratizing America
    In a strike againt the General Motors in Flint, Mich, Auto Workers win. Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters wins contract with Pullman Co.
  • The Fight for Economic and Social Justice

    The Fight for Economic and Social Justice
    The Largest strike wave in U.S. history.
  • The Fight for Economic and Social Justice

    The Fight for Economic and Social Justice
    Institutional forms of racial discrimination were banned by the Civil Rights Act
  • Progress and New Challenges

    Progress and New Challenges
    Safety and Health Act was passed.
  • Progress and New Challenges

    Progress and New Challenges
    The Organizing Institute was created.
  • Recent Times: 2000-2010

    Recent Times: 2000-2010
    FL-CIO Executive Council calls for reform in the nation’s immigration laws for undocumented workers.
  • Recent Times: 2000-2010

    Recent Times: 2000-2010
    The Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA) leaves Change to Win and rejoins the AFL-CIO.