• Germany invaded Poland

    Germany invaded Poland
    The Second World War began with this invation
  • Britain and France declares war on Germany

    Britain and France declares war on Germany
    The French and British goverments could do very little to stop a Germany victory in Poland
  • Soviet Union takes control in Poland

    Soviet Union takes control in Poland
    Soviet frontier and took control of part of Eastern poland. This was part of the deal Htiler had struck with Stalin before the war in the Nazi-Soviet Pact.
  • Period: to


    there was little fighting between, France and Germany
  • Mussolinni joined forces with Germany

    Mussolinni joined forces with Germany
    he wanted Italy to get some of the rewards of victory.
  • German ivades Great Britain

    German planes bombed military sites, factories and the capital city, London, in August and September.
  • Great Britain create the RAF

    Great Britain create the RAF
    The British airforces, The RAF, fought back and the clash of the two airforces became nknown as The Battle of Britain
  • German invaded the Soviet Union

    German invaded the Soviet Union
    Invaded in an operation known to the German leaders as Barbarossa
  • Japanse enter to war

    Japanse enter to war
    Went to war against the USA with a surprise attack on the US naval base of Pearl Harbor. The result of this was that the USA joined forces with Britain and the USSR to fight Germany, Japan and Italy. In the end this was to swing the balance of the war decisively against Germany
  • Germans renewed their attack on the USSR

    Germans renewed their attack on the USSR
    In the summer they concentrated their forces in the south and tried to capture the southhern city in Stalingrad
  • Germany army sorrounded

    Germany army sorrounded
    was evetually surrendered, the battle for Salingrad was a crucial event. It proved that the Red Army could beat the German y Army, after Stalingrad Germany was on the defensive and the war began to go against Hitler
  • Germans and Italians driven togheter

    Germans and Italians driven togheter
    Germans and Italians had been completely driven out of norht Africa
  • USA stopped Japan

    USA stopped Japan
    The USA stopped the tide of Japanse conquest at the Battle of Midway Island. After Midway, American forces began a slow process of capturing the islands of the Pacific from the Japanese
  • British and American forces land in Italy in 1943

    British and American forces land in Italy in 1943
    Germans put an stiff resisntance to the liberation of Italy
  • Germans abandones the siege of Leningrad

    Germans abandones the siege of Leningrad
    They abandoned the siege which had been going on for over two years
  • France was invaded

    France was invaded
    This was known as 'DDay'
  • Philippines was invaded

    Philippines was invaded
    Americans invaded the Philippines, over 170.000 Japanese soldiers were killed before the Capital, Manila, was taken
  • German power collapesed in Europe

    German power collapesed in Europe
    Soviet forces captured Berlin and Hitler committed suicide
  • War against Japan

    War against Japan
    The war continued against Japan, the American goverment was very worried at the level of Japanese resistance.
  • World War II was over

    World War II was over