Word war 1

By Z71
  • Archduke assassination

    Archduke assassination
    France Ferdinand and his wife were soot by black hand there car was traveling quite fast they throwing a bomb under the car his injury had to be taken to hospital
  • The. Battle of the Somme

    The. Battle of  the Somme
    It is part of a massive joint offensive by the Allies on their fronts in France Italy and Russia. British CommanderinChief General Haig hopes to end the deadlock on the Western Front at the Somme He thinks an artillery bombardment will silence the German guns and allow his infantry to break through.
  • Germany declares war on Russia

    Germany declares war on Russia
    This was a battle between Germany and Russia on the Easter front the German army achieved great advantage into Russia's land
  • Europe descends into war

    Europe descends into war
    Backed up by Germany, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia on 28 July. Russia quickly steps in to protect the small nation and mobilises its army. Germany responds by declaring war on Russia.
  • The war in Africa

    The war in Africa
    1914 the German Empire has four colonies in East, West and South Africa. British and French forces invade Togoland the site of a key German wireless station, Kamina. It provides communications for German ships in the Atlantic. The Germans destroy it to stop it falling into the Allies’ hands and soon after surrender Togoland
  • The Battle of Mons

    The Battle of Mons
    The German Kaiser orders the destruction of Britain's ‘contemptible little army’ and 70,000 British soldiers are attacked by 160,000 German troops. Both sides use quick-firing artillery and machine guns to devastating effect. Outgunned and outnumbered Britain's tiny Expeditionary Force suffers heavy casualties and is forced to retreat. On the back of this humiliation Britain starts recruiting a large army for the first time.
  • Siege of Tsingtao

    Siege of Tsingtao
    the autumn of 1914 British and Japanese forces attack the port of Tsingtao (Qingdao) – a German colony - in China. Although the Germans put up a firm resistance a force of 23,000 Japanese soldiers seizes control. Japan also takes over Germany’s colonies in the Caroline, Mariana and Marshall Islands. Later in the war, Japan sends warships to help protect Allied shipping in the Mediterranean
  • First use of poison gas

    First use of poison gas
    the Germans use a more deadly chemical – xylyl bromide – killing around 1,000 Russian troops at Bolimov, on the Eastern Front. At Ypres in Belgium gas is used for the first time on a large scale. Germany unleashes thousands of canisters of chlorine gas, causing over 7,000 casualties among the British, Canadian and French. Its effect is devastating, terrifying soldiers and causing uproar at home.
  • The Gallipoli campaign

    The Gallipoli campaign
    Australian, New Zealand, British, French and Indian troops mount an amphibious landing to take the peninsula of Gallipoli, 100 miles south of the Ottoman capital Constantinople. But the Allies are unable to break out of their beachheads and suffer a crushing defeat by the end of the year. Almost a third of the New Zealand troops are killed and there are 28,000 Australian casualties. The Turks suffer 200,000 casualties.
  • 1915The sinking of the Lusitania

    1915The sinking of the Lusitania
    civilian passenger liner, the Lusitania, is sunk off the coast of Ireland by a torpedo fired by a U-Boat. More than 1,200 people die – including 128 Americans. Although Germany had issued warnings, the world is shocked by this unprecedented attack on civilians. This devastating event pushes America closer to joining the war.