Woodrow Wilson

  • Birth

    Born Stouton Virginia
  • Starts to go to collage

    Starts to go to collage
    to John Hopkins University
  • Gets married

    Gets married
    To Ellon Axson Wilson
  • Finishes collage

    Finishes collage
    at John Hopkins University
  • Margret

    HIs daughter is born
  • Jessie

    HIs other daughter is born
  • Eleanor

    His daughter is born
  • Govener

    Elected govener of New Jersey
  • Presidency Began

    Presidency Began
    Mr.Wilson became president
  • WW1

    World WAR 1
  • Mrs.Wilson dies

    Mrs. WIlson died
  • Re Elected

    Re Elected
    Mr.Wilson is re elected or elected again
  • 14 Points

    14 Points
    Mr wilson gives the 14 points speech
  • Noble prize

    Noble prize
    Noble peace prize recepitent
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    19th Amendment to the U.S.
  • Death of Mr.Wilson

    Death of Mr.Wilson
    died of stroke