Wandering of the Magyars

  • 500

    Magna Hungaria

    Magna Hungaria
    They learnt agriculture here and moved to Levédia because of overpopulation. Most of them moved out.
  • Period: 500 to 955

    Wandering of the Magyars

  • 750


    Benefited from Don, Donets and the Azov Sea. A nomadic dual principality was established based on the Kazahrs
  • 850


    Again due to overpopulation Levédia was left behind. Etelköz had Dnieper and the Black Sea but it was impossible to protect because of the lack of natural boundaries.
  • 895

    Carpathian Basin

    Carpathian Basin
    The Carpathian Basin could be easily protected and they knew that because they had been there before. The Magyars entered through the passes and started the conquest.
  • 899

    Occupation of Transylvania

  • 907

    End of the conquest

    Moravians, Bavarians and Bulgarians were defeated, the Magyars had occupied the entire basin.
  • 955


    The Magyars were searching for a better land to live on and they were plundering. These incursions were mainly to to west because that was weaker than the south but we were defeated after some time due to the appearance of heavy armor and heavy cavalry.