Women's Suffrage Rights Movement

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    Women's Suffrage Rights Movement

  • Gerrit Smith

    Gerrit Smith
    Gerrit Smith is nominated as the Liberty Party's presidential candidate. He officially made Women's Suffrage a plank on his Political Platform prior to his nomination. This is the Agitation phase of the Social Movement. This is because by him recognizing publicaly that Women need the same rights as men, he is stating that its a problem that needs to be fixed.
  • Seneca Falls

    Seneca Falls
    Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Mary Ann M'Clintock held the Seneca Falls convention in upstate New York to take a stand for Women's Suffrage. It was here that a Declaration of Sentiments was established, demanding women's rights so they could properly proctect their family and homes.
  • National Women's Rights Convention

    National Women's Rights Convention
    Lucy Stone, along with 8 other women and 2 other men got together and organized the first National Women's Rights Convention. It was here that many women who had individually been working towards Women's Suffrage were able to get together and work hand in hand towards their cause.
  • National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA)

    National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA)
    The National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA) led by Susan B. Anthony & Elizabeth Cady Stanton and American Women Suffrage Association (AWSA) led by Lucy Stone and others, combine to make the National American Woman Suffrage Association which is led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton. This is the Legitimation phase of a Social Movement. The Women's Suffrage movement has become legitimate at this point. It has its leader and is now fighting for its 'change'.
  • 19th Ammendment Introduced

    19th Ammendment Introduced
    The 19th Ammendment was Introduced to the courts. This ammendment would give women the same rights as men. For example the freedom to vote.
  • 19th Ammendment Ratifyed

    19th Ammendment Ratifyed
    The 19th Ammendment is ratifyed! Women finally have the ability to vote!