Seneca Falls Convention
Women split over the 14th and 15th Amendments, Which granted equal rights including the right to vote to African American men, but excluded women. Susaan B. Anthony was a leading proponent of women suffrage. -
Illegal Voting
Susan B. Anthony and other women tested that question by attempting to vote atleast 150 times in 10 states and the district of Columbia. The supreme court ruled in 1875 that women were indeed citizens but then denied that citizenship automaticly conferred the right to vote. -
Carry Nation and the WCTU
The Woman's Christian Temparance Union (WCTU) spearheaded the crusade for prohibition.The WCTU reform activities, like those of the settlement house movement, provided women with expanded public roles, which they used to verify giving womenn voting rights. -
NAWSA Formed
Other prominent leaders included Lucy Stone and Julia Ward Howe. Women suffrage faced constant opposition. The liquor industry feared that women would vote in support of prohibition, while the textille industry worried that women would vote for restrictions on labor. Many men feared the changing role of women society. -
Carrie Chapman Catt and New NAWSA Tactics
Five tactics- 1. painstaking organisation; 2.close ties between local, state, and national workers; 3. establishing a wide base of support; 4. cautious lobbying; and 5. gracious, ladylike behavior. -
19th Amendment
Granting women the right to vote. The amendment won final ratification in august 1920 72 years after women had first convenced and demanded the vote at Seneca Falls convention in 1848.