Votes for women

Womens Rights

  • First Glimpse Of Equality

    First Glimpse Of Equality
    The first meeting was held in a city in New York called Seneca Falls. This was brought together by a group of women at the Seneca Falls Convention. A key person in this group was the principal Elizabeth Cady Stanton. The convention started out small, only about 100 people showed up. Even some men showed up. They discussed the declaration of independence and they talked about what they needed to achieve for women.
  • Expierences At Home

    Expierences At Home
    The typical daily at home life of a woman consisted of simple tasks. Examples of these simple tasks consist of things like cooking, and cleaning. Woman always had to have dinner ready for their husband and children. Also they always had to have a clean house. Even if they really wanted to woman were not allowed to have a job. Life was very boring for an average women of this time.
  • Revival Of The Womens Movement

    Revival Of The Womens Movement
    In 1920 the 19th Amendement gave women the right to vote. In the 1960's some women began to question once more why they weere still considered unequal.
  • Womens Liberation Movement-The Flappers

    Womens Liberation Movement-The Flappers
    In the 1920s women really took a big step in their everyday lives. Usually, women were not allowed to have short hair, wear high heels, show cleavage, smoke, and wear makeup. However in the 1902s, women took a chance and rebelled against their expected lifestyle. These women wore tight fitted clothing, got haircuts, wore makeup, and went out, had fun, and rebelled, these women were known as the flappers.
  • Equal Rights Amendment

    Equal Rights Amendment
    The equal rights amendment (ERA) was a proposed amendment to the USA constitution designed to guarantee rights for women. The ERA was orginally written by the beautiful Alice Paul and Crystal Eastman. It was proposed in congress for the first time in 1923. It passed both houses of congress and went for radification in 1972.
  • Work Force

    Work Force
    Women alwawys have a role in the work force. But in the 1950s, they started to become more and more involved in working. However, they only earned about 60% of what men usually earned. Most women worked in service jobs, Towards the end of the 1950s president John F. Kennedy ordered an inquiry. This reported that women, in fact, did expierence discrimination at work. They were paid less and promoted less than men. This ultimetly opened many american peoples eyes.
  • National Organization For Women (NOW)

    NOW was founded in 1966 during an meeting of the federal Equal Employement Oppurtunity Commision discussing the discrimination of women in the workplace. This meeting ultimetly ended up creating NOW! An important person in the organization was Betty Friedan.
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