Susan B anthony
she was a leading prpponent of woman suffrage. susan said " i would sooner cut off my right hand than ask for a ballot for the black man and not for the women." -
Illegal voting
suffragist tried three aproaches to acheive their goal. one was they went to court to test the fourteenth amendment which says thta declaring men the right to vote would lose congresional representation, but arent women citizens to? So susan and other women tested it by trying to vote in 150 times in 10 different states. The surpreme court said women are citizens but that doensnt automatically give them the right to vote. -
Carry Nation and the WCTU
the womens christian temperance union, WCTU, spear headed the prohibiton of banning alcohol. They would go into bars singing, praying, and urging them to stop selling alcohol. They also worked towards suffrage. They reformed activities like he settlement house movement it provided women with the expanded public roles. They used that to justify in women getting voting rights. -
NAWSA Formed
This group was created because the 14th and 15th ammendment granted the right for black men to vote but not for women.This lead them to try three strategies to get it changed. They came up with three solutions and the amendment was succesfully introuduced but was denied over and over and continued to be denied for the next 41 years -
Carrie Chapman Catt and New NAWSA Tactics
She was the president of NAWSA and concetrated on 5 tactics. painstaking, close ties between local,state, and national workers, estabishing a wide base of support, and gracious ladu like behavior. This was her plan to get women the right to vote. their great numbers of failures led other suffragist to try more radidcal tactics where they pressured the goverment to pass the a suffrage ammendment -
19h ammendment
in 1919 congress passed the 19th amendment granting women the right to vote.