Women's roles and technology in 1950-1959

By Vic Pea
  • Women in the workforce

    Women were encouraged to return home while their husbands continued to work
  • Labour force during World War Two

    After the war, women were encouraged to return home while their husbands continued to work
  • American society

    Glorified as ‘political simplicity, moral innocence (and) sexual naiveté’
  • Mills College curriculum

    Female students should "foster the intellectual and emotional life of her family and community" and take classes in family finance
  • Television

    "The Golden Age of Television"
  • American Workforce

    29% of the American Workforce were females
  • Television dinners

    Clarke and Gilbert Swanson of Omaha saw the need for television dinners and began selling frozen potpies on a national scale
  • Television

    Known as "The Golden Age of Television"
  • Clarke and Gilbert Swanson

    Began selling frozen potpies on a national scale to assist women in relation to making food for the family
  • House and Garden article declared

    Family-oriented lifestyles of young couples declared the family to be ‘as American as apple pie’
  • Radios

    Pocket-size transistor radio was created
  • House and Garden article declaration

    Family-oriented lifestyles of young couples are ‘as American as apple pie’
  • Transistor radio

    The pocket-size transistor radio was created
  • Social commentators warnings

    Women who spent too much time outside the house were endangering their families, neglecting their husbands and especially their children
  • Jerrie Cobb

    The first woman from the United States to undergo astronaut testing
  • Transistor radios

    The most popular electronic communication devices in history
  • Evolution of the transistor radio

    Most popular electronic communication device in history
  • Television enhanced

    By the mid-1950s, television was firmly entrenched in the world of news and information as well as election coverage
  • Television evolved

    Television was firmly entrenched in the world of news and information as well as election coverage.
  • Computer hard disk

    The first computer hard disk was used
  • Hard disk

    First computer hard disk was used
  • Women in national office

    Out of the 531 members of Congress 16 were women
  • Working women

    12% of women held a profession and 6% held management positions
  • Cardiac pacemaker

    John Hopps invented the first cardiac pacemaker
  • John Hopps

    Invention of the first cardiac pacemaker
  • Study of females in college

    37% of female college students were leaving school before they graduated, most for marriage