First Chance
The first college opens its doors to women. -
Greator Political Prescence
Women's talents and education grew after this time, and they began to look for reform and more power in society, becoming a greator force. -
Denied Opportunities
In the late 1800s, women, despite having a good education, were denied from higher up positions. However new jobs opened up, such as record keeping, drawing, or industry -
The National Association of Colored Women was formed in response to African-American women not being welcome in reform organizations. -
The American Woman Sufferage Association was formed to get the women's right to vote on a state by state basis, and worked with the Republican Party. -
The National Women Sufferage Association was formed to get the women right to vote nationaly. -
Greator Chance
20% of all college graduates are women. -
Susan B. Anthony's Trial
Anthony illegaly voted and was imprisoned, and spelted out reasons for why women should have the right to vote. She was found guilty and was silenced. -
Congress' Ruling
Congress ruled that women did not have the right to vote because they were citizens, yet citizenship did not guarnte the right to vote. -
There was a movement started to ban all forms of achoholic beverages sale and distubution which was believed to be the cause of crime, poverty, and violence. -
18th Amendement
Thois admendement made all achoholic beverages illegal. -
18th Amendment Repealed
The 18th amendment was so unpopular it was repealed.