Women's Right Movement

  • Women can't own property

    colonies adopt English system of property ownership for married women, which meant that women could not own property in their own name or keep the earnings they received
  • Prohibt Voting

    13 states pass laws that prohibit women from voting.
  • First Women's Public School

    First public schools for women open in New York and Boston.
  • Oberlin College

    Oberlin College
    Oberlin College in Ohio is the first co-educational college in the U.S. Three women graduated in 1841.
  • First College for Women

    First College for Women
    Mount Holyoke Female Seminary is established in Massachusetts by Mary Lyon as the first college for women.
  • Not Allowed to attend Convention

    Lucreita Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton are not allowed to attend a world anti slavery convention in London which then causes them to hold a womens convention in the US
  • First Women's Convention

    First Women's Convention
    The first Women’s rights convention is held in Seneca Falls, New York. Individuals write and sign the declaration of sentiments, which created the agenda of women’s activism for decades to come.
  • Property Rights

    First state constitution in California extends property rights to women
  • Period: to

    Women's Convention

    First and second national Womens rights convention is held in Worcester, Massachusetts. An alliance was formed here with the Abolitionist movement
  • Period: to

    Suffrage Movement come to halt

    Efforts for womens suffrage movement come to a halt during the civil war
  • Stanton and Anthony

    Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony form the American equal Rights association- goal of suffrage for all regardless of gender or race
  • National Labor Union

    The National Labor Union pushes for equal pay for equal work. Women must be paid the same as a man for doing the same or equivalent job with the same qualifications
  • Racial Equality

    racial equality issue splits two suffrage associations
  • Wyoming

    Territory of Wyoming gives women the right to vote
  • Female president

    Female president
    first female president nominated- first female president nominated
  • Federal equal pay for equal work

    Congress requires federal equal pay for equal work
  • Susan B. Anthony arrested

    Susan B. Anthony arrested for trying to vote in New York
  • Denies voting rights

    Supreme court denies voting rights to women
  • League of womens voter

    League of womens voter
    League of womens voter created to educate women on their right to vote leag
  • 10th amendment ratified

    The 10th amendment is ratified- womens right to vote
  • Equal Rights

    First equal rights amendment introduced
  • Equal pay

    Equal pay act becomes a federal law
  • Civil Rights

    Civil rights protections extended to women
  • Abortion Right

    Supreme court establishes abortion right
  • Women in Military

    Women in Military
    Women are integrated into all branches of the U.S. military
  • Employment Discrimination

    Employment discrimination against pregnant women banned
  • Lilly Ledbetter

    Lilly Ledbetter
    Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act signed into law- right to sue for pay discrimination