Women's Right Movement

  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board  of Education
    Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, was a landmark United States Supreme Court case in which the Court declared state laws establishing seperate public schools for black and white students to be unconstitutional.
  • Rosa Parks Bus Seat Refusal

    Rosa Parks Bus Seat Refusal
    Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white passenger.
  • Bus Boycott

    Bus Boycott
    Jo Ann Robinson sent out a flyer following Rosa Parks arrest urging for Montgomery's African Americans to boycott city buses.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    Daisy Bates helped nine African American student go into an all white high school in Little Rock, Arkansas.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    More than 250,000 protestors, black and white, gathered at the nation's capital for the march on Washington for jobs and Freedom
  • Freedom Summer Begins

    Freedom Summer Begins
    In Ohio, the first wave of "Freedom Summer" recruits, mostly black activists, but also many white volunteers, board buses headed for Mississippi.
  • Freedom Summer Volunteers Disappear

    Freedom Summer Volunteers Disappear
    Three "Freedom Summer" volunteers- James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner- disappear while working in Mississippi.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act, which outlaws segregation in all public places, requires employers to provide equal oppurtunity for those of all races, and threatens to pull federal funding from any projects that discrimate based on color, race, ethnicity, or gender.
  • Mississippi Murders

    Mississippi Murders
    The bodies of James Chaney, 21, Andrew Goodman, 21, and Michael Scrwerner, 24, are found in an earthen dam on a farm near Philadelphia, Mississippi. Of those suspected of the crimes, only the ringleader is tried; Edgar Ray "Preacher" Killen is convicted on June 21, 2005, 41 years after the murders.
  • MLK Wins Nobel

    MLK Wins Nobel
    Martin Luther King, Jr. is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • Malcom X Assassinated

    Malcom X Assassinated
    At the protest rally in Harlem, New york, members of the Nation of Islam assassinate Malcom X.
  • Klan Murders Viola Liuzzo

    Klan Murders Viola Liuzzo
    Viola Liuzzo, a white homemaker from Detroit, is murdered by four Klansmen while driving marchers from Montgomery to Selma, Alabama.
  • NAACP Reject Black Power

    NAACP Reject Black Power
    The NAACP officially rejects the doctrine of "Black Power" advocated by other organizations, including SNCC.
  • National Organization for Women

    National Organization for Women
    Betty Friedan founds the NationalOrganization for Women, modeling it after the black civil rights groups.