
Women's Issues

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    Women's Issues

  • Fair Employment Act in Ontario

    Fair Employment Act in Ontario
    The female Employee's Fair Remuneration Act protected women from being placed in lower paying jobs simply because of their gender. This affected many Canadians women because they weren't getting paid what they were suppose to.
  • First Female Mayor in Canada

    First Female Mayor in Canada
    After 14 years of running for mayor in Ottawa. Charlotte Whitton became first female mayor in Canada in 1951. This affected many women because they finally have a female for mayor in Ottawa.
  • Married Women

    Married Women
    Restrictions on married woman in the Federal services were removed. In the past, women public service upon marriage. This affected many married women because they have the right to be able to get married without getting fired.
  • A Part of the Team

    A Part of the Team
    Eight year old Abby Hoffman played on the boys hockey team. She cut her hair, donned her jersey, and hit the ice as a defence player. No one knew she was a girl until it was time for the all-star games. In order to participate, Hoffman had to supply the organizers with her birth certificate when they learned she was a girl, Hoffman was out of the team. She no longer allowed to play hockey. After this she started a trend, young girls started trying out for the boys hockey teams.
  • Canada's First Olympic Medal

    Canada's First Olympic Medal
    Lucille Wheeler on Canada's first olympic medal for downhill skiining, This year, the federal government also passed the female Employee's Equal Pay Act. This affect many people because they had a female to finlly win a medal other than a male.
  • Women Jurors

    Women Jurors
    Quebec finally allows women jurors after eight Quebec woman were in jailed earlier in the year of protesting the all-male jury law. This affected women because they can becom jurors without being in jailed.
  • First Woman President of a Co-Educational University

    First Woman President of a Co-Educational University
    A houndred years after woman weren't allowed to enrol or gradute from most university. Pauline Jeweet went on to become a Member of Parliament focusing on issues of peace, disarmament and woman's equality.
  • First Female to Be Elected

    First Female to Be Elected
    In Nova Scotia, Alexa McDonough was the first woman to be elected leader of a provincial party holding seats in a legislature. Having Alexa McDonough be elected had many women be glad to see a female be a leader of a provincial party.
  • The Charter of Rights and Freedoms

    The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
    The charater of rights and freedoms referred to in it are guaranteed equally to male and femake people. By citing the charter, ;awyers were able to court a number of cases that would have a profound effect on women's legal rights in Canada.
  • First Canadian Female Launched Into Space

    First Canadian Female Launched Into Space
    Robeta Bondar, the first female astronaut was launched into space in 1992. They didn't think women would be capable in going into space but the women knew it was the best thing to do.