200 BCE
From 200 BC to 200 AD Japanese fashion was inspired by China. They copied the Chinese dresses they wore long tunics which touched the floor and they had wide sleeves, a sash that as an accessory, the clothing was normally darker when it was lighter it was more common and worn by poor people, it was called hanfu. -
Jan 1, 710
Nara period 710-784
Japanese wore clothes that match the Chinese style. Sometimes clothing was sents straight from China. The clothing was made out of silk or brocade and were covered in bright colors, designs and the quality of clothing showed your social status. -
Jan 1, 794
Heian period from 794 to 1185
The style became more subtle and detailed and had more divers fabric textures. Women wore white face powder to make themselves pale. The japanese plucked out all their eyebrows and redrew them higher. They applied a little bit of red on their cheeks and lips. They also used to think that white teeth were unattractive so they dyed their teeth black. It was coming to wear lots of layers up to around 12 layers in one dress. women started growing their hair longer than they were tall. -
Period: Jan 1, 794 to Jan 1, 1185
Heian period
The style became more subtle and detailed and had more divers fabric textures. Women wore white face powder to make themselves pale. The japanese plucked out all their eyebrows and redrew them higher. They applied a little bit of red on their cheeks and lips. They also used to think that white teeth were unattractive so they dyed their teeth black. It was coming to wear lots of layers up to around 12 layers in one dress. women started growing their hair longer than they were tall.