Girls education

Women rights timeline

  • Title IX

    Title IX of the Education Amendments prohibits sex discrimination in all aspects of education programs that receive federal support.
  • Period: to

    Womens rights in education Major events timeline

  • Clevland Board of Education v. LaFeur

    Clevland Board of Education v. LaFeur
    Determined it was illegal to force pregnant women (educators) to take maternity leave on the assumption that they are incapable of working in their physical condition.
  • The Women's Educational Equity Act

    Funds the development of nonsexist teaching materials programs to encourage full educational opportunities for girls and women.
  • Mississippi University for Women v. Hogan

    Mississippi University for Women v. Hogan
    Established that public schools may not discriminate on the basis of sex without exceedingly persuasive justification, under the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment,
  • Congress adoption of Gender Equity in Education Act

    Congress adoption of Gender Equity in Education Act
    Meant to train teachers in gender equity, promote math and science learning by girls, counsel pregnant teens, and prevent sexual harassment.
  • Jackson v. Birmingham Board of Education

    The Supreme Court ruled that Title IX Prohibits punishing someone for complaining about sex-based discrimination.