Women rights

  • No rights

    No rights
    Women Couldn’t vote, were excluded from parliament. Also, they excluded from public areas, etc.
  • First advances

    First advances
    The Women’s Social and Political Union is formed
  • The change starts

    The change starts
    The WWI was declared and women started to work in places they were excluded from.
  • Voting

    Some women started to vote
  • Big changes continue

    Big changes continue
    All women were allowed to vote
  • Started appearing in politics

    Started appearing in politics
    First female British cabinet minister
  • First triumphs in sports

    First triumphs in sports
    First British female to win an Olympic gold medal in track and field
  • The change never stops

    The change never stops
    Equal pay acts
  • Still fighting for equaity

    Still fighting for equaity
    Sex discrimination acts
  • First woman with power

    First woman with power
    First female prime minister (Margaret Thatcher)
  • Society nowadays

    Society nowadays
    Everyone can get an education, a job and speak their minds. But we still have to eliminate stereotypes.