Women in the Revolution

  • Marie Antoinette Marries Louis XVI

    Marie Antoinette Marries Louis XVI
    At the age of 14, Marie Antoinette married Louis XVI in order to strengthen relations with Austria and France.
  • Prices of Bread Increase

    Prices of Bread Increase
    Rising prices of bread among other things caused the march on Versailles. This was caused by many things including the lavish spending of Marie Antoinette.
  • Women's March on Versailles

    Women's March on Versailles
    Thousands of Parisian women rioted over the rising priice of bread. Carrying knives, axes, and other weapons, the women marched on Versailles. At first, they demanded that the National Assembly provide bread but they then turned their anger on the king and queen. They broke into the palace, killing some of the guards and demanding that Louis and Marie return to Paris. Eventually they agreed.
  • Olympe de Gouges

    Olympe de Gouges
    Revolutionary leaders adopted the expression "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" as their slogan. This didn't apply to everyone, an example being women. Olympe de Gouges published a Declaration of the Rights of Women but her ideas were rejected. In 1793, she was declared an enemy of the Revolution and was executed.
  • First Women's Club

    First Women's Club
    Les Amies de Verite was the first all female club, started by Etta Palm D'Aelders. It was essentially a YMCA and it protected women from beating, divorce, and it strived for equality.
  • Pauline Leon

    Pauline Leon
    Pauline Leon submitted a petition signed by over 300 women to the National Assembly. It asked for permission for women to be given the right to bear arms but she was denied.
  • Madame Royale

    Madame Royale
    Madame Royale was the daughter of Marie Antoinette and she was born in 1778. In 1793, when her parents were executed she was imprisoned. In 1795, the Austrian army released her.
  • Charlotte Corday

    Charlotte Corday
    Charlotte Corday was known for killing the French Revolutionary leader, Jean-Paul Marat while he was taking a bath. Just 4 days later on July 17, 1793 she was executed by the guillotine.
  • Marie Antoinette Gets Executed

    Marie Antoinette Gets Executed
    Marie Antoinette was accused of treason, theft, and sexually abusing her son. She was never liked from the beginning because she was from Austria. She was another victim of the guillotine.
  • Mary Wollstonecraft

    Mary Wollstonecraft
    Mary Wollstonecraft founded British Feminism in 1797 and she fought for womens rights and equality during the revolution. She believed that women should have the same rights as men and that they were human beings too.