Women in American Society Throughout History

By rn10046
  • Anne Hutchinson banished from colony

    Hutchinson was banished with her family from Massachusetts Bay Colony for hersey
  • Period: to

    The Salem Witch Trials

    an outbreak of hysteria which led to 19 people, mostly women put to death for whitchcraft.
  • Women help boycott British goods

    Northcarolina women sign the edenton Proclamation calling for boycotts.
  • Abigail Adams 'Remember the Ladies'

    Adams wrote a letter to her husband John Adams urging him to consider the rights of women.
  • Emma Willard founds Troy Female Seminary

    Troy Female Seminary was the first seminary school women could attend.
  • Mary Lyon founds a college

    Mary Lyon founds a college
    Lyon founds Mount Holyoke College for women.
  • Seneca falls convention

    a women's sufferage convintion. the delligates issed the declaration of sentiments.
  • first women to become a practing physician

    first women to become a practing physician
    Elizabeth Blackwell was born, she would later graduate from Geneva Medical College
  • Sojourner Truth gave her "Ain't I a woman" speech

    Sojourner Truth gave her famous "Ain't i a woman" speech to point out how she and other African American women were treated
  • The National Woman Suffrage Association

    Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton formed the National Woman Suffrage Association to help push for women's right to vote.
  • Wyoming granted women the right to vote

    Then a territory, Wyoming was the first to give women the right to vote.
  • First woman to be accepted at a school of science and technology

    Ellen Swallow richards was the first woman to be accepted to a sicence and technology school. her alma mater was Massachusetts instetut of technology
  • The first International women's day

    The first international women's day was made to celebrated the works of women.
  • Women gained the right to vote.

    The 19th Amendment was passed which alowed women the right to vote
  • Bessie Coleman' international pilot license

    Bessie Coleman' international pilot license
    Coleman became the first African-American woman to earn a pilot's license then later became the first American citizen to gain an international pilot's license
  • First woman govenor

    Nellie Tayloe Ross is the first woman to be a governor, she governed Wyoming.
  • First american woman to win the Nobel peace prize

    Jane Addams what the first woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • Frances Perkins Secretary of Labor

    Frances Perkins Secretary of Labor
    Perkins became the first female apointed to the cabinet when she became the Secretayr of Labor
  • Period: to

    Women Join the Workforce During World War 2

    women join the workforce turning the war to take the place of men. There is a nearly 60% increase in women working.
  • Women in the armed forces

    The military creates branches that women could serve in. around 350,000 women joined.
  • Women Leave the Workforce

    Women are forced out of the workforce after men return from the war.
  • Passing of the Equal Pay Act

    The act was passed as an attempt to equal pay for men and women doing the same jobs.
  • First woman to medal in the Olympic games

    renowned golfer Margaret Abbott was the first American woman to win an Olympic medal.
  • Eileen Collins commands a space shuttle

    Lieutenant Colonel Eileen Collins was the first women to pilot a space shuttle.
  • Elaine Chao becomes Secretary of labor

    Elaine Chao becomes Secretary of labor
    The first Asian-American woman to be appointed to the presidential Cabinet.
  • Harvard's first women president

    Drew Gilpin Faust was named the first female president in the school's history.
  • the 111th congress

    17 women served in the senate and 73 in the house of representatives. This was the highest amount of women serving in congress.
  • First female director to win the Academy Award for best director

    First female director to win the Academy Award for best director
    Kathryn Bigelow won an Oscar for her movie 'The Hurt Locker'
  • Jill Abramson is named the executive editor of the New York Times

    Abramson became the first female executive editor in the newpaper's history
  • Women are allowed to serve in any position in the millitary

    Effective on this date, women could serve in any job in the armed forces, this opened up 220,000 jobs to females.