
Women in Mathematics

  • Marie-Sophie Germain

    Marie-Sophie Germain
    She was a French mathematican who in the field of number theory and differential geometry. She won the the French academy of science contest. She won an honorary degree by the university of Gottengen. She was also a pysicist, and a philosopher.
  • Marie Curie

    Marie Curie
    Marie Curie was the first female professor at the University of Paris. She won the Nobel Prize in for " their research with radium". In 1894 she was placed second in the licence of mathematical sciences. She and oanother person discovered in uranium, radium, and radioactivity. She is famous for her work radioactivity.
  • Emmy Noether

    Emmy Noether
    Emily Noether made contributions in abstract algebra, mathematical physics, and representation theory. Noether's theorem explains the fundimental connection between symmetry and conservation laws. She taught at a university untiil the Nazis dismissed all jewish professors. Her groundbreaking work in algebra and theoretical physics led to concepts like " Noether's Theorem, Noetherian rings, Noetherian induction.
  • Julia Robinson

    Julia Robinson
    Julia Robinson was an American mathematican best known for her work on decision problem and Hilberts Tenth Problem. She entered San Diego State University in 1936 and transferred to a senior to University of California, Berkeley in 1939. She recieved her BA degree in 1940 and continued in graduate studies. She recieved the Ph.D degree in 1948 with a dissertation on Definability and decision problems in arithmetic.
  • Mary Cartwright

    Mary Cartwright
    Mary Cartwright was a British mathematican. She was the first to analyze a dynamical system with chaos. She studied mathematics at St. Hugh's College, Oxford graduating in 1928. She was the first women to attain the final degree lectures. In 1930 she was awarded a Yarrow Research Fellowship.
  • Alicia Boole Stott

    Alicia Boole Stott
    Alicia was a British mathematican. She is best known for coining the term "polytope" for a convex solid in four demensions. Also having an impressive grasp of four dementional geometry at a very early age.
  • Christine Hamill

    Christine Hamill
    Christine was an English mathematiican who specialized in group theory, and finite geometry. After recieving her Ph.d. at th eUniversity of Cambridge in 1951 she was appointed to a lectureship in the University of Sheffield. Later she was appointed in the University college, Ibadan, Nigeria.
  • Louise Hay

    Louise Hay
    She was an American mathematican. She was a founding memeber in Women of Mathematics. In 1990 the AWM establishe the Louise Hay Award for contriutions to Mathematics Education. She was also recognized for her contributions to mathematical logic.
  • Sarah Flannery

    Sarah Flannery
    At 16 years old she was the winner of the 1999 Esat Young Scientist Exhibition for the discovery of algorithm. She also won a scientist of the year award. She also has a book called In Code which is about the making and breaking of the algorithm code.
  • Susan Howson

    Susan Howson
    Susan was a British mathematican who worked at the University of Nottingham. Later she worked at the University of Oxford on algebraic number theory, and arithemetic geometry. She recieved her Ph.d in mathematics from the University of Cambridge in 1998.