Women In Art

  • 1100

    Hildegard of Bingen

    Hildegard of Bingen
    Hildegard was a member of the church, but had many pieces of artwork attirbuted to her. Her artwork is a lot about her experieces of visions.
  • 1500

    Mary Magdeline

    Mary Magdeline
    Saint Mary Magdeline was with Jesus when he was crucified, and during the resurection. In many pieces of artwork St Madgeline is protrayed as a sinner and prostitiute, but recent historians has debunked these assumptions.
  • 1553

    Levina Leerlinc

    Levina Leerlinc
    Levina was a well known miniturist and gentlewoman of the privy chamber in the Tudor court. She served 4 different monarchs and was given a substantial salary, which is why historians believe she did more paitings than credited to her.
  • Judith Leyster

    Judith Leyster
    Judith was a dutch painter. Not much is known about her training, or who her masters were. After she died, she was forgotten among the art historians. Most of her work was credited to her husband or another famous dutch artist.
  • Mary Delany

    Mary Delany
    Known most for using cut paper to create art. Decoupage. She called it paper mosaiks. She created over 1000 collages.
  • Elisabeth Vigee-Leburn

    Elisabeth Vigee-Leburn
    Well known artist for her time. Did over 20 portraits of Queen Marie Antionette. Spent time in multiple countries doing portraits as well as being a leader of society
  • Rosa Bonheur

    Rosa Bonheur
    Rosa was famous for her realistic portrayl of animals. She spent a lot of time in places of animal life, watching and learning their anatomy and movement. She never married, only had companions during her life.
  • Anna Blunden

    Anna Blunden
    From a struggling middle class family, she chose to go to London to study art. In 1854 she created The Seamstress. She moved from portraits to lanscapes around 1858. She spent a lot of time traveling to different countries finding lanscapes she wanted to paint.
  • Eva Gonzales

    Eva Gonzales
    Only formal pupil to Manet. Stuck to confines of academic salon instead of with Imprssionist group. Died young.
  • Mary Cassatt

    Mary Cassatt
    Part of the Impressionist group. Her artwork is mostly children and their mothers caring for them. Large influence on american art
  • Romaine Brooks

    Romaine Brooks
    Female activist who was a large influence on gender and sexual equality. Painted mostly in blacks, whites, and grays. She did paintings of women with purpose and heroism, instead of focusing on domesticity.
  • Sonia Delaunay

    Sonia Delaunay
    Studied art for a lot of her life. Great influence for Fauvists and the cofounder of Orphism
  • Pablita Velarde

    Pablita Velarde
    Integral in sharing the Pueblo life and culture with her paintings. Painted murals in new mexico
  • Judy Chicago

    Judy Chicago
    American artist focusing on birth and creation. She is a major activist in equality, to the point of not showing her art in specific shows.
  • Yu Hong

    Yu Hong
    Puts real life situations in her paintings. Uses people in her life as inspirations. Supports Chinese artists and teaches at the Central Academy of Fine Arts.
  • Julie Mehretu

    Julie Mehretu
    Artist born in Ethiopia. Studied in 3 colleges. Family history and sexuality a large influence on her magic. Uses maps, archaelogical artifacts, lanscapes for a lot of her artwork, using situations throught time to help understand and deal with how things happened.