Women At Point Zero

By Fany23
  • Historical Event

    The evolution into recognition of "Islamic Terrorism"
  • Historical Events

    Muslims are consider terrorist.
  • Events in other areas

    The Beatles break up.
  • Historical

    During this era, young women, like Firdaus are forced into marriage in Muslim families.

    Fardius mother dies
  • Events in other areas

    Disney world opens

    Firdaus is now in a flashback, talking about how she lived with her mom and dad. She's 15

    Her father wants to force her into marriage at a young age
  • Historical event

    Most Families live in poverty and are raised as peasant families.

    Firdaus is now 16 and married with the man that is twice her age.
  • NOVEL (Abuse)

    Firdaus is getting beat by her husband, she doesn't stand up or talk back due to respect her husband.
  • Historical

    Now in a married life- in a Muslim marriage. Getting beat is something considered "natural" for husbands to disrespect their wives.
  • NOVEL ("Renewal")

    Firdaus now in the streets is being found by a guy that at first seems nice and wants to help Firdaus.
  • Events in other areas

    China makes a nuclear test on Lop nor
  • Events in other areas

    The California supreme court finds death penalty cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the state constitution.
  • Events in other areas

    Oil crisis
  • NOVEL (Back to the old ways)

    Firdaus is now getting abused by her new husband as well through a long period of time living in her house
  • NOVEL (Escape again)

    She now leaves her new husband and is now in the streets again
  • NOVEL (Found)

    Firdaus is now found by a women and gave her refugee.
  • NOVEL (New beginning)

    The lady offers Firdaus to be a prostitute.
  • Historical

    The Hanafi Muslim Massacre
  • NOVEL ("Forward in time")

    Firdaus is in prison due to a murder
  • Historical

    Leaders of the Islamic world were united
  • Historical Events

    Ahmadi students were beat up
  • Historical Events

    Muslims Minister Assails Police action
  • Historical events

    Islamic in America