By BathieA
  • Feb 2, 1300

    Tailored dresses

    Tailored dresses
    The sraight, loose dress was replaced with a more tight fitting tailored dress.
  • Feb 2, 1400

    rich colours long sleeves

    rich colours long sleeves
    royal blues, rich reds and rose pinks were the colours for maids in the 1400's. Long sleeves were always common and I think it's at that time that princesses wore cones on their heads
  • Jan 1, 1500


    The dresses were based on a triangular shape, to give the impression of a tiny waist.
    Woman never tended to show their legs to the public.
  • Jan 1, 1550

    Farthinggales were expanded and neck ruffs risen

    Farthinggales were expanded and neck ruffs risen
    Farthing gales are hoops that create the desired shape of a skirt.
  • Long dresses, long skirts, NECK RUFFS

    Long dresses, long skirts, NECK RUFFS
    The NECK RUFFS were brought to England by Elizabeth I and gave the impression of no neck.
  • New dress shape

    New dress shape
    Dresses were replaced with a low waist, which made the torso look long and thin.
  • long dresses, long skirts, neck ruffs, BONNETS

    long dresses, long skirts, neck ruffs, BONNETS
    Time for pastel coloured dresses and lace caps.
  • New dress design

    New dress design
    Dresses were highly decorated and were usually of the pastel colour. Dresses were dripping with lace, diamontes, and jewellery.
  • Floaty dresses

    Floaty dresses
    Brought in at the high waist to create a natural figure and make people think you've just woken up.
  • New dress type

    New dress type
    Times were heavily influenced by the westerns and dress skirts were enhanced by ruffles and hoops, which were sometimes made from whale bone. Hats and long hair were in, still usually dark, and either low sleeves or buttonned up to the neck.
  • Paris, long coats, perms, pastel dresses

    Paris, long coats, perms, pastel dresses
    Paris was very much in and is now. Pastel coloured coats with over sized buttons, Very broad hats and brown curly hair.
  • Shorter Dresses, high heels, pearls, perms

    Shorter Dresses, high heels, pearls, perms
    Just after the war period. Feathers were worn in hair, you could see people's ankles, The hats were gone, white was worn to contrast with the dark grey/ black in photographs
  • Mini skirts, Leather, Bobby socks, bell bottoms, hippie headbands

    Mini skirts, Leather, Bobby socks, bell bottoms, hippie headbands
    It was the disco period and everything was getting shorter. Tight leather was in, tights, and sandals.
  • Loose shirts, Tight trousers/ skirts, dog collers, untidy yhair, fish net gloves

    Loose shirts, Tight trousers/ skirts, dog collers, untidy yhair, fish net gloves
    Fashion was going in every direction during this period- some women were influenced by heavy metal bands and shaved their heads, some women floated with the flowers, staightened their hair and wore flower printed clothes, and some took the 'street urchin' look as was created by Madonna.
  • Trainers, Jeans, T-shirts, I-don't-care-hair

    Trainers, Jeans, T-shirts, I-don't-care-hair
    People were beginning to relax with fashion and just wear what they were comfortable with.
  • Ripped jeans, tank tops, pony tails, MASH UP

    Ripped jeans, tank tops, pony tails, MASH UP
    In 2000 people ran out of inspiration and so turned to fashion from other periods stated as well as fashion around the world and mashed it all together. Rounded boots and large jumpers were also worn.
  • Way too much make- up, hoodies, boots, high heels, tank tops, tops, trainers, jeans, skirts

    Way too much make- up, hoodies, boots, high heels, tank tops, tops, trainers, jeans, skirts
    We are still a mish- mash, teenagers wear jeans or shorts, and other women wear jeans, floaty tops, tops, shirts and any thing else you are wearing.