Woman At Point Zero

  • 1763

    Britian gains control over Mississippi river
  • 1774

    Colonists from First Continental Congress as Britain closes down harbor and deploys troops in Massachusetts
  • New president in Egypt

    Coup leader Gamal Abdel becomes president as Egypt declared in public
  • Evacuation Treaty

    Evcation treaty sigend this was when
  • Egypt and Britain

    Egypt and Britain relinquish control over Sudan
  • Period: to

    Firdaus life

    Firdaus parents pass away and is sent to live with her uncle who rapes her and later sends her of to school.
  • First Husband

    Firadus comes home after finishing her two year of school and is sent of and is forced to marry a man. She later escapes and moves on too someone new.
  • New Husband

    Firdaus meets a new man that takes her in and later escapes from him because of his bad treatment towards her
  • New Job

    Firdaus escaped her ex-husbands's house and begins to leave on streets.
  • Nawal Sawadi interviews Firdaus

    Nawal Sawadi interviews Firdaus and she begins her story life
  • Firdaus New Life

    Firdaus becomes a prostitute and lives in the prostitute with the girl that took her in and couldn't leave.
  • Firdaus New friend

    A lady comes up to Firdaus and makes her believe that she will get a new job and get payed well
  • Firdaus escapes

    Firdaus escapes the prostitute house and becomes homeless again and she later opens her prostitute house and becomes rich.
  • Firdaus

    Firdaus gives up old life and she starts from the bottom she finds a job where she can get payed with her own effort.
  • Firdaus honours

    Firdaus falls in love with someone at her he leaves and she becomes a prostitute of high law officials. She wants to leave but is not allowed so she kills a man and later taken to prison to be killed.
  • Egypt and Syria at war

    Egypt and Syrian at war with Israel
  • 1973

    Vietnam ceasefire agreement signed.
  • Bread riots

    Bread riots in Egypt
  • 1979

    Us invades Caribbean Nations and Grenada
  • New President

    President Mubarak imposes restricting political activity freedom
  • Saawadi imprisoned

    Nawal Saawadi is imprisoned for the publication of one her books.
  • Arab Women

    Arabs establish Arab women solidates Association.
  • Egypt crushes Central Security

    Army deployed in Egypt to crush Central security paramilitary