By divifr
  • Japan invaded Manchuria

    Japan invaded Manchuria
  • Italy took possesion of ETHIOPIA and ALBANIA

  • Hitler remilitarisation

    Hitler remilitarisation
    In violation of the terms of the threaty of versailles, Hitler remitarised Rhineland.
  • Third Reich

    Third Reich
    Germany developed a policy of territorial expansion to create a vast empire.
  • Anti comintern pact

    Anti comintern pact
    Germany entered into the anti comintern pact with Japan
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    Spanish civil war

    Italy and Germany took part supplying the insurgent forces.
    France and Great Britain chose not to get involved. Non intervention pact.
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    Rome-Berlin axis / Pact of steel

    Germany entered into the Rome-Berlin axis alliance with Italy, which was renewed in 1939 under the name Pact of steel.
  • Japan invaded CHINA

    Japan invaded CHINA
  • Japan invaded Beijing

    From there, it continued its expansion trhough the Pacific.
  • Germany´s demandation of Czec.

    Germany demanded Czechoslovakia hand over the Sudetenland in where there were very little Grman people.
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    France, Great Britain and other powers protested over Hitler´s policy of expansionism so he convened the Munich Conference. It ended when the democracies accepted Hitler´s promises to expand no further
  • Germany occupied AUSTRIA

    Germany used military forces to ocupied Austria (Anschluss)
  • Danzig Corridor

    Danzig Corridor
    Hitler seized the Danzig Corridor (the territory separating Germany from East Prussia) and France and Great Britain promissed Poland their military support if necessary.
  • Nazi-soviet pact

    Nazi-soviet pact
    Pact signed by Hitler with Stalin to prevent the USSR from joining forces with France and Great Britain and to help Poland.
  • Hitler launched BLITZKRIEG ´lightning war´

    Hitler launched BLITZKRIEG ´lightning war´
    This consisted of using armoured divisions (the Pancer divisions) and strong aerial support. This type of war made surprise attacks and quick advances possible. Poland collapsed after 3 weeks and the country was divided between Germany and the USSR.
  • Stalin began the invasion of Poland

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    It started when Stalin began the invasion of Poland and in response the Allies (France and Great Britain) declared the war on Gemany.
    30/4 Hitler suicided.
  • Germany invasion and Battle of Britain

    Gemany invided most of Western Europe (Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, northern and western France) and although Great Britain resisted at first, Germany´s airforce (the Luffwaffe) bombed Brittish ports and cities in Battle of Britain. Great Britain resisted the attack and Hitler was forced to abort the mission. He continued fighting the British by blocking their isles and he launched the Battle of the Atlantic to cut off British supply lines.
  • Germans conquered North Africa

    The German African corps (under Rommel´s command) conquered North Africa.
  • Yugoslavia and Greece also fell

  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Hitler launched operation Barbarossa and attacked Russia, quichly reaching the gates of Moscow and Leningrad. This made the USSR join the Allies forces in response in the battle against the Axis powers.
  • US enters the war

    US enters the war
    Japan destroyed the US fleet in Pearl Harbor and the US entered the war
  • Battles of Midway and Guadalcanal

    The Americans stopped Japanesse advances in the Pacific and started reconquering territories.
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    German assault on Stalingrad

    This was Hitler´s first major failure. The city resisted the atack for several months, after which the German Field Marshal Paulus surrendered.
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  • El Alamein

    El Alamein
    In North Africa the British defeated the German at el Alamein, ana Allied army under the control of General Eisenhower lander in French Africa and defeated the German in Tunisia.
  • Tehran Conference

    Tehran Conference
    The three major Allies (Great Britain, US and USSR) met for the first time at the Tehran Conference to take joint military meassures to speed up the end of the war. The conference was attended by Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin.
  • Liberation of Europe

    It was accelerated by the Normandy Landings by British an American troops, which brought many soldiers into France. The British and American forces defeated the Germans and began advancing from the west, liberating part of France and entering Germany.
    At the same time, Russians moved in from the east, pushing the Germans out of Poland, Romania and Bulgaria and to support these advances, Germans were bombed by the Allied.
  • Soviets take back Ukraine

    After the German assault on Stalingrad the Soviets went on the attack, taking back Ukraine and ending the siege of Leningrad.
  • United Nations

    United Nations
    This meeting agreed denazification and partition of Germany and Austria into four occupied zones and the division of Berlin and Vienna; organisation of democratic elections in the liberated countries and the creation of an international peacekeeping body (UN)
  • Third peace conference in Potsdam

    The new leaders (Atlee, Truman and Stalin) reached an agreement to return all of European territories annexed by Germany, separate Austria and prosecute and punish the Nazi leaders.
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    Germany surrend and Hitler´s suicide.

    Both Allied armies occupied Germany and met at the river Elbe on 26/4 and later Hitler commited suicide on 30/4 and on 8/5, Germany surrendered.
  • End of Pacific War

    The americans had reconquered most of the territories occupied by Japan, but Japan continued its fanatical defense, symbolised by the Kamikazes.
    To force Japan to surrender, US president Truman decided to drop an atomic bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 so Japan surrended on 2 september and the WW2 was over.
  • Paris Peace Conference

    Paris Peace Conference
    Peace treaties with Germany´s other allies were drown up during the Paris Peace Conference. The treaty wasn´t signed with Austria until 1955, the year the Allied occupation ended.
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    Universal Declaration of Human Rights