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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

  • He was born

    He was born
    A child prodigy was born
  • Travel to Munich

    Travel to Munich
    The entire family departed for Munich, beginning with an exhibition at the court of the Bavarian Elector Maximilian III.
  • Period: to


    During this trip Mozart met a large number of musicians and the works of other composers, in particular Johann Christian Bach, whom Mozart visited in London.
  • The family returned to Salzburg

    The family returned to Salzburg
  • Period: to


    After a year in the city, Leopold and Wolfgang traveled to Italy, leaving Wolfgang's mother and sister at home. These trips lasted from December 1769 to March 1771.
  • He married

    He married
    Both were married on August 4, 1782 and in nine years they had 6 children
  • He died

    He died
    At the age of 35