Bee boop

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

  • Mozart is born

    Mozart is born
    Mozart is born on January 27,1776 in Salzburg,Austria
  • composed

    Wolfgang succsessfuly composed.
  • perform

    The Mozarts performs for Empress Maria Theresa.
  • grand tour

    grand tour
    Mozarts go on tour with music
  • publishes

    publishes first music pages
  • opens music

    opens music
    Mkilan opens Ascanino in Aba (age 15)
  • tour 2

    tour 2
    Wolfgang leaves on anonther tour. meets Weber family.
  • marries

    Marries Constanze Weber
  • good but bad

    Beethoven meets Mozart in March. Wolfgang's dad Leopld dies on May 28.
  • The Magic Flute

    The Magic Flute
    The Magic Flute opens in Prague on September 20
  • dead!!!!!!

    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart dies shortly after midnight on December 5th 1791.
  • unmarked

    Mozart was buried in a unmarked grave. Mozart is buried on December 7 ,1791