Woffington Napoleon Timeline

  • Italian Campaign BEGINS (green)

    Italian Campaign BEGINS (green)
    This was Napoleons claim to fame. This showed Europe Napoleon's strong military strategies, and his influence. This ended in French victory.
  • Egyptian Campaign BEGINS (red)

    Egyptian Campaign BEGINS (red)
    Napoleon invades Egypt and Syria to defend French trade and create new enterprise in the area. This was a failure for Napoleon, because he was fighting against the Ottomans on their home turf.
  • Napoleon, the First Consul of France (Consulate ESTABLISHED) (green)

    Napoleon, the First Consul of France (Consulate ESTABLISHED) (green)
    The consulate was a form of government used by the French from 1799-1804. Napoleon is the leader, or consul, of this government. During his time as leader, he reformed the education system, created the Napoleonic Code, and created or reformed many different systems. This was obviously successful for Napoleon and the French.
  • Napoleon Creates the Banque de France (green)

    Napoleon Creates the Banque de France (green)
    Napoleon creates the Banque de France to support economic recovery and growth. This was successful in bringing France out of its economic recession.
  • Egyptian Campaigns END (red)

    Egyptian Campaigns END (red)
    Napoleon invades Egypt and Syria to defend French trade and create new enterprise in the area. This was a failure for Napoleon, because he was fighting against the Ottomans on their home turf.
  • Italian Campaigns ENDS (green)

    Italian Campaigns ENDS (green)
    This was Napoleons claim to fame. This showed Europe Napoleon's strong military strategies, and his influence. This ended in French victory.
  • Concordat of 1801 (green)

    Concordat of 1801 (green)
    Agreement between Napoleon and Papal representatives. This defined the status and purpose of the Roman Catholic Church in France. This was somewhat a success for Napoleon and the French. While it gave some power to the church, it mainly gave the power back to the state.
  • Napoleon: Consul for Life (yellow)

    Napoleon: Consul for Life (yellow)
    Napoleon proclaims he is the First Consul of France, for life. He created a new regime, created a succession plan, and started reforming France. This finally gave France the ruler they needed. However, the future of Napoleon would bring tons of failures for France
  • Napoleonic Code Created (yellow)

    Napoleonic Code Created (yellow)
    A new legal framework of France, set in place by French Emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleonic Code gave the "new" France its first set of strong laws. This contained laws about property, colonial affairs, and family/individual rights. However, this brought back the authority of men, destroyed the rights of women, and slavery was legal again.
  • Napoleon, the First Consul of France (Consulate ABOLISHED) (green)

    Napoleon, the First Consul of France (Consulate ABOLISHED) (green)
    The consulate was a form of government used by the French from 1799-1804. Napoleon is the leader, or consul, of this government. During his time as leader, he reformed the education system, created the Napoleonic Code, and created or reformed many different systems. Napoleon abolishes the Consulate due to him declaring himself Emperor.
  • Napoleon Declares Himself Emperor (green)

    Napoleon Declares Himself Emperor (green)
    Napoleon wars crowned at Notre-Dame de Paris on 12/02/1804. This marked the start to the post-revolutionary government and a step towards "new France" This was obviously successful for France and Napoleon.
  • Battle of Trafalgar (red)

    Battle of Trafalgar (red)
    Naval battle between Britain, Spain, and France. Admiral Nelson of the British Royal Navy fought, and won, against Admiral Pierre de Villeneuve of the French and Spanish fleets. This was a major French loss. British Admiral Nelson died, and the French/Spanish still lost.
  • Napoleon Abolishes the Holy Roman Empire (green)

    Napoleon Abolishes the Holy Roman Empire (green)
    Napoleon wanted to increase his influence over German states and wanted to get rid of the Holy Roman Empire all together, so he established the Confederation of the Rhine. This gathered and grouped together independent states. Napoleon also forced the HRE's Emperor to accept it.
    This was a success for Napoleon, he defeated something that was in his way.
  • Continental System BEGINS (yellow)

    Continental System BEGINS (yellow)
    Napoleon set up a naval blockade on British trade. This cut all ties to Britain, including mail! However, this weakened French and other countries economic systems. This also created enemies for Napoleon.
  • Resistance and Invasion in Spain (yellow)

    Resistance and Invasion in Spain (yellow)
    Napoleon invaded Spain. In 1809, Napoleon had control of most of the peninsula, and the Spanish were pretty much defenseless. This leads to Spain's own revolution. However, this lead to major losses for Napoleon later in the Peninsular War.
  • The Russian Invasion BEGINS (red)

    The Russian Invasion BEGINS (red)
    Napoleon wanted to invade Russia to enforce the trade blockade. The French also tried liberating Poland from the Russians. This was a major failure for the French. They were severely unprepared for Russia: the climate, the military, and the land.
  • The Russian Invasion ENDS (red)

    The Russian Invasion ENDS (red)
    Napoleon wanted to invade Russia to enforce the trade blockade. The French also tried liberating Poland from the Russians. This was a major failure for the French. They were severely unprepared for Russia: the climate, the military, and the land.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig BEGINS (red)

    Battle of Nations at Leipzig BEGINS (red)
    Tsar Alexander I and Karl von Schwarzenberg defeated Napoleon and the French army at Leipzig. The Confederation of the Rhine is dissolved and France loses territory. This was another event that caused Napoleon to abdicate.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig ENDS (red)

    Battle of Nations at Leipzig ENDS (red)
    Tsar Alexander I and Karl von Schwarzenberg defeated Napoleon and the French army at Leipzig. The Confederation of the Rhine is dissolved and France loses territory. This was another event that caused Napoleon to abdicate.
  • Continental System ENDS (yellow)

    Continental System ENDS (yellow)
    Napoleon set up a naval blockade on British trade. This cut all ties to Britain, including mail! However, this weakened French and other countries economic systems. This also created enemies for Napoleon.
  • Hundred Days BEGINS (red)

    Hundred Days BEGINS (red)
    Also known as the War of the Seventh Coalition. This was the time period when Napoleon was caught and was soon to be exiled. After, King Louis XVIII would be back in power and Napoleon would be exiled.
  • Waterloo (red)

    Waterloo (red)
    Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo by the Duke of Wellington. This was the end to the Napoleonic Era. This clearly is a loss for the French and Napoleon.
  • Abdication of Napoleon (red)

    Abdication of Napoleon (red)
    Napoleon renounced the throne due to pressure from other nations, France's own government, and the embarrassment of loosing the Battle of Waterloo. The pressure came from Britain who wanted a military surrender and the restoration of the throne. They then exiled Napoleon to ST. Helena, where he died in 1821.
  • Hundred Day ENDS (red)

    Hundred Day ENDS (red)
    Also known as the War of the Seventh Coalition. This was the time period when Napoleon was caught and was soon to be exiled. After, King Louis XVIII would be back in power and Napoleon would be exiled.