F. Scott Fitzgerald Born
Born in Saint Paul Minnesota -
Zelda Fitzgerald born
Born in Montgomery Alabama from parents Anthony Sayre and Minnie Machen -
Fitzgerald’s First Publication
At the age of 14, Scott writes “the mystery of the Raymond mortgage” in St. Paul Academy Now and Then -
Fitzgerald goes to Princeton
Fitzgerald enters Princeton university with the class of 1917 -
Fitzgerald writes for Princeton tiger
Fitzgerald falls into the literary scene his sophomore year -
Us army service
Flunking out of Princeton, Fitzgerald goes into the army as a infantry second lieutenant -
Fitzgerald meets Zelda Sayre
Marriage to Zelda Sayre
This side of paradise, Fitzgerald’s first novel, is published. A week later he and Zelda marry in St.Patricks Cathedral in New York -
Birth of Daughter Scottie Fitzgerald
First and only child was born -
The beautiful and damned is published
The great gatsby
The great gatsby is published -
One trip Abroad was published
Tender is the night was published
Zelda suffers from her third mental breakdown -
The first of Fitzgerald’s three part autobiographical essay the crack up detailing his own mental breakdown, appears in Esquire magazine.
Death of F. Scott Fitzgerald
The last tycoon
Was published posthumously -
Death of Zelda Fitzgerald